

New Boundaries in Map Making

Price:  $249

($79 upgrade)

Version:  3     ·    Media:   CD ROM
Operating Systems:  Win95/98, NT 4.0

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MapViewer is a thematic mapping package that creates full-color maps by linking worksheet data to areas or points on a map. MapViewer includes numerous boundaries and data files for the United States and World to get you started, or you can create your own boundaries for use with MapViewer. By placing your data in the full-featured MapViewer worksheet, you can easily link your data to areas or points on the map, and generate instructive, publication quality maps in virtually no time. With the numerous map types, overlays, and drawing tools you will create the most informative maps possible.

Which MapViewer Features Would You Like to Learn About?

Map Types

MapViewer Boundary and Data Files


Additional Features

Year 2000 Compliance

System Requirements

Map Types

MapViewer provides you with several map types to present your data in the most informative way possible.  You can combine any number of map types in a single window to present several types of data in a single map. The MapViewer map types include:

  • Base Maps show geographic information and can use different line styles, fill patterns and colors to effectively present boundary information.
  • Prism Maps represent data as three-dimensional raised areas proportional to data values assigned to the areas.
  • Hatch Maps display data ranges with different colors and patterns.
  • Pie Maps display several data variables as pie charts for each area or point on the map.
  • Symbol Maps place proportionally scaled symbols at each area or point.
  • Dot Density Maps show distribution of data as dots where the number of dots in an area is proportional to the data value assigned to that area.
  • Bar Maps show several data values as bar charts for each area or point on the map.
  • Post Maps display text or data values read from the worksheet.
  • Pin Maps show point locations on a map.

MapViewer Boundary and Data Files

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The following is a list of boundary and data files included with MapViewer. These files are suitable for creating a wide variety of maps.  You can also create custom boundaries by combining existing boundaries or by using the drawing tools.  MapViewer can import boundary files in several different formats so you can also use files created in other applications.

The MapViewer CD-ROM contains Golden Software’s entire library of data files and boundary files.


  • Akcity.bna - Wycity.bna:  point locations of cities in latitude/longitude coordinates


  • The DLG directory contains USGS 1:2,000,000 scale DLG files converted to Golden Software Boundary (GSB) file formats.

US County

  • Ak.gsb-Wy.gsb:  county boundary files, Primary IDs are FIPS codes
  • Ak.dat-Wy.dat:  1990 US Census data for each county
  • Counties.gsb:  map of all US counties
  • Counties.dat:  1990 US Census data for all US counties

US County High Resolution

  • Ak_hires.gsb-Wy_hires.gsb:  high-resolution county boundaries

US Miscellany

  • ADI.gsb:  Areas of Dominant Influence boundaries
  • DMA.gsb:  Demographic Marketing Areas boundaries
  • MSA.gsb:  Metropolitan Statistical Areas boundaries
  • US50ll.gsb:  United States map in Unprojected latitude/longitude
  • US50alb.gsb:  United States map in Albers projection
  • US50.dat:  1990 Census data for each state
  • UScity.gsb:  point location of select US cities
  • USintll.gsb:  major US interstate highways


  • Africa.gsb:  African countries
  • Antarcal.gsb:  Antarctica Albers projection
  • Antarcll.gsb:  Antarctica Unprojected Latitude/Longitude
  • Asia.gsb:  Asian countries
  • Camerica.gsb:  Central American countries
  • Canada.gsb:  Canadian provinces
  • Europe.gsb:  European countries
  • Mexico.gsb:  Mexico states
  • Namerica.gsb:  North American countries
  • Oceania.gsb:  Australia, New Zealand, and neighboring island nations
  • Russia.gsb:  Russia boundary
  • Samerica.gsb:  South American countries
  • World.gsb:  countries in the world
  • World.dat:  1990 data for countries
  • Worldcap.gsb:  point locations of country capitals


  • Akzip3.gsb-Wyzip3.gsb: three digit zip code sectional centers for the United States


  • Akzip5.bna-Wyzip5.bna: five digit zip code boundaries for the United States


Importing Boundaries from Other Applications

MapViewer can import boundary information in several different vector and bitmap formats. These include:

  • Golden Software GSM, GSB, BLN, PLT
  • Atlas BNA
  • AutoCAD DXF
  • Windows Metafile WMF
  • Windows Clipboard CLP
  • Bitmap formats include TIF, BMP,TGA, PCX, GIF, DCX, JPG, PCT, WPG
  • Also, you can read coordinates from worksheet data files to place point locations on the map. Data files containing any type of coordinates can be used to indicate points.

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MapViewer creates thematic maps by linking worksheet data to areas or points on the map. If you need to display your own data on a map, MapViewer includes a full-featured worksheet that allows you to display, enter, edit and save your data. You can read data files in many formats, including XLS, SLK, WKx, CSV, TXT, DAT, MDB, DBF, DB, and BNA. In the worksheet you can transform, sort, and calculate statistics on your data. The number of data points the worksheet can handle is only limited by the amount of memory you have available on your computer.


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Additional Features

There are many additional features that MapViewer provides, including:

  • Annotate your maps with text using any typeface, size or color
  • Place text at any position on the map, and display it at any angle
  • Display place names, data information, or any type of text on your maps
  • Enhance maps by drawing objects at any position
  • Create circles, squares, rectangles, polylines, polygons, or point symbols at any location on the map
  • Create multi-layered maps to present more information
  • Zoom in on areas to show different levels of detail
  • Explode, rotate or scale selected areas
  • Create custom colors
  • Create maps using any coordinate system
  • Convert between Unprojected Latitude/Longitude, Albers Equal Area, or Miller Cylindrical projections
  • Recalibrate maps to use any coordinate system
  • Convert areas to curves and curves to areas
  • Thin boundaries to reduce file size when detail is not required
  • Display multiple views of the same map, all at different zoom levels
  • View the data and the map simultaneously
  • Move or Copy map features between map layers
  • Turn on or off the display of any map or page features
  • Many more!

Year 2000 compliance

All Golden Software products are year 2000 compliant.


Golden Software represents and warrants that Surfer, Grapher, MapViewer and Didger are designed to be used prior to, during, and after the calendar year 2000 AD. Surfer, Grapher, MapViewer and Didger will operate during each such time period without error relating to date data, specifically including any error relating to, or the product of, date data which represents or references different centuries or more than one century.

System Requirements

  • Operating System:  Windows 95/98, NT 4.0
  • 20 MB of free hard disk space
  • 800 X 600 minimum monitor resolution


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Copyright 1997 - 2000, Golden Software, Inc.