

All the advanced digitizing features you need in a low-cost, unbelievably versatile program

Price:  $329

Version:  2     ·    Media:   1 CD-ROM
Operating Systems:  Win95/98, Windows NT 4.0 or higher

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What's New with Didger 2!

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Didger is a highly accurate digitizing program that will be an invaluable addition to your software library. In seconds, Didger precisely transforms points, lines, or areas from your paper maps, graphs, aerial photos, scanned raster images, imported vector files, or GeoTiff images to a versatile digital format you can use with your other software. You name it and Didger can handle it quickly, accurately, and usefully. With Didger’s multitude of features and ease-of-use, this is an unbelievable value, considering the time and effort you will save!! You will soon wonder how you have done your job without this indispensable tool.

What Would You Like to Learn About Didger?

Uses for Didger Amazing Features
On-Screen Digitizing Vector Based Maps and Projections
Geo-Referenced Raster Based Maps Map Projections, Coordinate Conversions, and Image Calibration
Advanced Editing Features Import and Export Formats
News About Digitizing Tablets Beta Testers' Comments

One Program--Innumerable Uses

There are innumerable uses for this powerful application. We have compiled this list to give you an idea of the versatility of Didger, but the ways in which you can use Didger go far beyond this list. If you aren’t sure whether Didger is right for your needs, give us a call and we’ll be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.  

  • Geo-reference your raster and vector files for export to other applications
  • Convert your UTM data to Lat/Long or vise versa.
  • Create maps from multiple Digital Line Graphs.
  • Resample your well log data on specified intervals.
  • Digitize oil & gas or monitoring wells
  • Digitize soil, rock-chip or other sample locations
  • Digitize contours from topo sheets, hand-drawn maps, or computer-generated maps
  • Digitize from aerial or satellite photographs either on screen or from your tablet
  • Reproduce well logs or strip charts even when you don’t have the original data
  • Digitize township and range lines, section lines, or claim boundaries
  • Digitize owner, operator, or property boundaries
  • Digitize seismic section lines with shot point locations
  • Digitize stream, river, watershed boundaries, lakes and coastal shorelines
  • Map archeological sample sites
  • Determine stream length, shoreline length, or watershed or lake area
  • Apply Didger in medical research, such as digitizing radiation dose calculations from patient films
  • Study urban growth such as expansion of residential areas
  • Digitize road and street maps and obtain route distances
  • Reproduce hand-drawn cross sections
  • Digitize wildlife information such as animal habitats, migratory routes, territorial boundaries
  • Digitize geological rock formations, lithologic types, and faults from maps and aerial photos
  • Digitize vegetation boundaries, burn areas, restoration projects, and lumbering areas
  • Determine the area under a curve from a graph
  • Digitize meteorological data to produce isobar maps
  • Create spreadsheet files for data analysis
  • And many other uses

Some of Didger’s Amazing Features

  • Digitize using a digitizing tablet from any map, graph, aerial photo, site map, or printed image regardless of size using any Wintab32 compatible digitizing device.
  • Use advanced on-screen digitizing of vector or raster plots.
  • Import any vector file and retain or apply up to 21 map projections. Projections supported are: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), State Plane 1927, State Plane 1983, Albers Equal Area Conic, Eckert IV and VI, Equidistant Cylindrical, Gauss-Kruger/Gauss-Conformal, Lambert Azmuthal Equal Area, Lambert Conformal Conic, Mercator, Miller Cylindrical, Molleweide, Orthographic, Polyconic, Robinson, Robinson-Sterling, Sinusoidal, Stereographic, Transverse Mercator, and Unprojected Lat./Long.
  • Resample polylines at a specified interval along either the X or Y axis.
  • Use the built-in scanning features to import a bitmap using any TWAIN compatible scanning device.
  • Import vector or raster files using any of the 26 formats that Didger supports. 
  • Import data points from 3 different data formats.
  • Export vector or raster files using any of the 20 formats that Didger supports. 
  • Import and export GeoTIFF images with full support for all GeoTIFF parameters. 
  • Specify map datum parameters and perform datum transformations using the following methods: Molodensky, Bursa-Wolfe, DMA Multiple Regression Equations (RME), and user defined.
  • Convert coordinates to modify the current vector database.
  • Specify projection parameters when importing data or vector files.
  • Change the map projection of a project.
  • Digitize different cultures on separate layers and export only selected layers.
  • Use Didger data with Surfer®, Grapher™, MapViewer™, or any other mapping, graphing, or database application.
  • Create Surfer BaseMaps and Post maps directly from your Didger project data.
  • Associate four data values or identifiers with each object.
  • Use any units (feet, angstroms, miles, meters, kilometers, etc.) with any combination of linear or logarithmic axes.
  • Determine allowable error for your project and work within acceptable standards based on statistical calibration analyses.
  • Obtain length information from polylines.
  • Obtain polygon area and perimeter length.
  • View and edit data for one object at a time, or view and edit from a spreadsheet showing all the project data.
  • Zoom in or out to display any portion of the project.
  • Set project limits for the extent of your project, or let Didger define default limits.
  • Display up to 4 optional labels for each digitized object.
  • Automatically assign IDs or assign data as you digitize.
  • Edit polylines and polygons with the numerous editing tools.
  • Define tolerance settings controlling the chaining and sensitivity of polyline and polygon creation.
  • Get immediate help for all aspects of Didger, including useful digitizing examples, from the extensive on-line help system.
  • Use the highly accurate and simple-to-use Tablet Calibration Wizard using between 3 and 256 calibration points.
  • Receive unlimited technical support—for as long as you own Didger.
  • Print a report of all or selected objects in your Didger project.
  • Print the entire map in full color.
  • Enjoy simple recalibration of projects when you accidentally move the map or open an existing project.
  • Use the mouse, the digitizing tablet pointer, or both while completing project work.
  • Enjoy over 440 Megabytes of Digital Line Graphs and Digital Raster Graphs for the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain, and Yellowstone National Parks included on the CD.
  • And much more.


On-screen Digitizing

With Didger you can perform on-screen digitizing using an imported bitmap or an image you scanned using Didger’s scanning functionality. Performing "Heads-Up" digitizing has never been easier. Didger has all the functionality necessary to geo-reference the bitmap image to a real world coordinate system using one of four geo-referencing methods. Once the image has been geo-referenced, Didger allows you to digitize points, polylines, and polygons with ease.

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Extract regions and points from a scanned topo map.

Vector Based Maps and Projections

With Didger you can import a variety of vector based maps in many formats. Create large coverages easily by importing several vector files. The files will align according to their coordinate systems, or can even be imported from files with different projection systems and merged into the projection of the first file using a datum transformation. Digitize new features onto an existing vector plot from your digitizing tablet and map, or digitize on-screen. Import USGS SDTS Digital Line Graphs retaining the projection information. Change line styles, object IDs, and add labels to objects with ease. Even import different files onto separate layers!


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Import USGS SDTS DDF files and retain projection information or change to a new projection.

Geo-referenced Raster Based Maps

Import your GeoTIFF images directly into Didger 2 and retain all the geo-referencing parameters. Digitize features from your bitmap and export them with the image in GeoTiff format. Or, simply export the vector features without the underlying bitmap and still retain the projection information. Use the numerous filtering options on the bitmap to make identifying and digitizing the objects a breeze. If your bitmap doesn’t contain projection information, calibrate the image and export it as a GeoTiff image. Didger also supports creating ESRI World Files [TFW] when exporting geo-referenced bitmaps. This is a powerful and advanced feature of Didger!

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Import GeoTiff or any raster image, then digitize features to export with geo-referenced parameters.

Map Projections , Coordinate Conversions, and Image Calibration

Converting data from one coordinate system to another is one of Didger's  advanced features. With a few simple steps, Didger can transform your Lat/Long point data into Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates to be used by other mapping applications. Converting coordinates by applying a simple math operation is easily supported in Didger. This function allows the user to specify a value to add, subtract, multiply, or divide to the current vector project. Advanced geo-referencing conversion is also available. By specifying the source and destination coordinates of the vector project, Didger’s advanced geo-referencing methods allow the user to convert the current project to the new destination coordinate system. The possibilities are endless and the flexibility is astounding!

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Create stunning world maps in a variety of projections to convey your information easily.

Advanced Editing Features

  • Create line intersections from overlapping polylines.
  • Snap Undershoot polylines and trim overshoot polylines.
  • Create polygons by using a polygon locator in the center of linked polyline objects.
  • Reshape polylines and polygons.
  • Create complex polygons.
  • Thin and smooth polylines using one of four different methods.
  • Resample polylines to specified intervals.
  • Convert polylines to polygons and vice versa.
  • Connect polylines.

Import and Export Formats

Many sophisticated import and export filters come with Didger, simplifying the transfer of your data and images to and from your other applications.

  • Spatially Referenced formats:

GeoTIFF, TFW, and RSF.

  • Vector Import formats:


  • Raster Import formats:


  • Point Data Import formats:


  • Export formats:


Important News about Digitizing Tablets

Nearly all digitizing tablets work with Didger. If you already have a tablet, Didger requires 32-bit WinTab compliant digitizing tablet drivers, available from most tablet manufactures (for no charge) or from third party vendors. If you don’t currently own a tablet, you shouldn’t be discouraged. The price of new, high-resolution digitizing tablets is astonishingly low. And with Didger’s capabilities, large maps are easily digitized in a single project so even smaller tablets work quite well. 

Want to see a list of tablet manufacturers?

Beta Tester’s Comments

"This may end up being your best product because of its ability to use scanned images and then scale them for printing."

"I really like the design philosophy used to create polygons from polyline segments."

"Your mixed mode digitizing is very intuitive and will be well liked by my students. The change projection feature will be a very useful addition to my exercises that deal with the fundamentals of projections. I am particularly happy to see the vast improvement in error detection and correction from Didger 1. It turned out that the biggest problem I have had with Didger 1 was the very tedious methods by which one was forced to find small and difficult to detect errors, especially when building polygons from polylines. It is nice to see the tolerance circles and your new set of tools including, trimming of overshoots, extension of undershoots and creation of nodes at intersections are very useful. Imports went smoothly. TIF is sometimes difficult due to different "flavors" but this import (from an Multispec exported .TIF file) worked well. I adjusted the contrast and brightness. Next, I registered the image by using six features (road intersections) that had been located by GPS. The registrations went smoothly and your available options in the various dialog boxes allowed for great control. I have used layers in other programs like Mapviewer and AutoCAD. This is extremely useful and your layer management dialog box works like most others so is not hard to pick up."

"Nice job, one of the most trouble free beta-version software packages I have ever tested! Also very substantial new features over Didger 1. I am impressed!"

"Good stuff here! I'm very impressed with the capabilities of this release of Didger. I think that with the great depth of functionality of Didger 2, a large number of new users will find good stuff that that they can put to good use."

"I am very impressed with the design and functionality of this product and I know that I’m going to find it very valuable in my work. I would also like to commend you on the high standard of the documentation. Any procedural question that I had was clearly explained."


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