...Detailed Table
of Contents (under construction-- covers only completed
topics, 7/30/99)
(return to Title page) (return to Table
of Contents)
An Overview
of Precision Farming -- introduces spatial relationships as the basis of
precision farming
Underlying Principles
-- describes the difference between whole-field and site-specific farming
Unusual Blend of
technologies -- introduces the technologies supporting precision farming
Precision Farming Data -- identifies the different levels in precision
Technical Issues --
introduces the four steps of the precision farming process
Reality and Future Directions -- looks at the opportunities of
site-specific management
Precision Farming Primer |
Smart Farmers and Dumb
Maps -- identifies differences between descriptive and prescriptive mapping
GIS Quality Data
-- describes a field's geographic patterns as an organized set of numbers
Four Basic
Steps in Precision Farming -- describes the basic steps of the precision
farming process
Putting Yield in Its
Place -- discusses differences in mapping yield as discrete points or
continuous surfaces
Putting Yield in
Its Proper Place -- describes the major factors affecting geo-referencing
of "raw" yield data
Connecting the Dots --
discusses the implications of point, swath, and grid formats for mapping yield
Is Precision
Farming Accurate? -- investigates differences between precision and
Resolving Yield
Mapping Issues -- describes the "accuracy advantage" of grid
formatted data
Dirty Stuff -- presents an overview
of the sampling process
Sampling Patterns
-- discusses sampling patterns and their implications
From Points to Maps --
describes important factors common in spatial interpolation
Up -- discusses procedures and results of IDW, Kriging and MinCurve
How Good Is My Map? --
describes the Residual Analysis procedure for assessing interpolation results
A Map of Error -- identifies a
procedure for generating maps of error from Residual Analysis
Justifiable Interpolation
-- introduces the important concept of spatial dependency
What's It Like
Around Here? -- describes the information in a variogram plot of spatial
Zones and Surfaces --
discusses fundamental differences between Management Zones and Map Surfaces
The Precision Farming Primer |
The Big Picture -- reviews the
basic steps in the precision farming process
Visceral Visions
-- visually compares yield map displays
Visualizing Yield Data
-- describes the differences between map data and map displays
Back to Basics -- reviews
"normal" statistical concepts (mean, median and mode)
Sticks and Stones --
discusses data dispersion measures (standard deviation and coffvar)
Summarizing Mapped Data -- discusses basic statistics used to describe
mapped data
Assessing Spatial
Dependency -- describes a basic procedure for measuring spatial
Typifying Atypical Data
-- discusses "non-normal" data (skewed and bi-modal)
A Standardized Map --
describes a procedure for identifying "unusual" locations in mapped
Mapping Localized
Variation -- describes a procedure for identifying areas of "high
Mapping the Rate of
Change -- describes a procedure for identifying areas of "rapidly
changing conditions"
The Precision Farming Primer |
So, Whats the
Difference? discusses differences in information
provided by visual vs. data analysis
Relating Maps introduces basic
concepts used in assessing relationships between maps
Viewing Maps as Data
describes linkages among traditional maps, data distributions and map
Data Space: The Next
Frontier introduces the underlying concept a computer uses to
"see" map patterns
Map Similarity
extends the discussion to a computer procedure for assessing map
Clustering Map Data:
Part I describes how a computer identifies similar "data
zones" within an area
Clustering Map Data:
Part II discusses clustering procedures and interpretation of the
results (in prep)
Prediction Maps: Part I
introduces concepts of spatial correlation and predictive modeling (in prep)
Prediction Maps: Part II
discusses regression procedures and interpretation of the results (in prep)
Comparing Maps describes
two basic approaches in comparing traditional maps
Comparing Map
Surfaces: Part I discusses the use of statistical tests in comparing
mapped data
Comparing Map
Surfaces: Part II describes spatially based approaches to comparing
mapped data
On-Farm Testing investigates
the use of GIS for on-farm studies (in prep)
What Is GIS? -- defines geographic
information systems (GIS)
Formats -- describes how "map features" are stored in a GIS
Links -- describes how "attribute" information is linked to map
Maps -- discusses "vector" data structure and its implications
Raster Features --
discusses "raster" data structure and its implications
Between Lines and Squares -- identifies procedures for converting
between vector and raster
-- discusses overall GIS data organization considerations
More on Spatial Topology
-- discusses data structure and its effect on GIS analysis
Pedigree -- identifies metadata considerations and levels of data
The Precision Farming Primer |
Your Position: Where
Are You? introduces the basic concepts used in geographic referencing
Position: Projecting the Right Image discusses map projection issues
GPS: Basic Stuff
describes how GPS technology works
GPS: Intermediate Stuff
discusses basic factors affecting GPS accuracy
GPS: Advanced Stuff
discusses additional GPS considerations
Remote Sensing: Basic
Stuff introduces basic remote sensing principles as applied to imaging
Remote Sensing:
Intermediate Stuff investigates important factors affecting RS
signals from plant canopies
Remote Sensing:
Advanced Stuff discusses how RS data is analyzed using a computer
IDI: Yield Monitors
describes how Yield Monitors work (in prep)
IDI: Variable Rate
Technology describes how Variable Rate Technology works (in prep)
The Precision Farming Primer |
Part 1. Yield Mapping
Mapping Sparks Precision Farming Success by Neil Havermale
-- discusses several factors affecting spatial accuracy in yield mapping
Monitors Create On- and Off-Farm Profit Opportunities by Tom Doerge
discusses the benefits of yield monitoring and mapping
Part 2. Investigating Interpolation
Interpolated and Extrapolated Data -- investigates the relative
performance of spatial interpolation and extrapolation
Normalized Map
Comparisons -- compares raw and normalized maps
Defining the Norm --
describes a procedure for normalizing mapped data
Comparing the
Comparable -- discusses the importance of comparing normalized maps
Comparing Normalized Residual Maps -- visually compares normalized maps of
Average, IDW, Kriging and MinCurve interpolation results
More on Zones
and Surfaces -- discusses the relative variation "explained" by
zone and surface maps
Last Word
on Zones and Surfaces -- discusses the effects of "unexplained"
variation in site-specific management
Worksheet Investigating Zones and Surfaces -- provides access to
Excel worksheets used in the zone and surface discussions
Part 3. More on Spatial Dependency
Dependency and Distance -- describes a procedure for relating spatial
dependency and distance
Mapping Spatial
Dependency -- describes a procedure for mapping localized spatial
Worksheets Investigating Spatial Dependency -- provides access to Excel
worksheets used in the spatial dependency discussions
4. More on Comparing Maps
of Statistical Tests with Mapped Data by William Huber
discusses concerns in applying traditional non-spatial techniques to
analyze mapped data (in
Worksheet Investigating Map Surface Comparison worksheet containing
the calculations for t-test, percent difference and surface configuration
The Precision Farming Primer |
Part 1 -- General Information
and System Specification
Part 2 -- Software Installation,
Program Environment, and Documentation/Support
Part 3 -- Data Handling
Part 4 -- Map Generation and
Part 5 -- General Comments and
Overview Summary
-- the @gInnovator project
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