The Precision Farming Primer  
Appendix E:
Online PowerPoint Presentation

© 1999
Precision Farming Primer

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Mapped Data Collection, Visualization and Summary (Part 1)  (download PPoint file, 3.8MB)
Mapped Data Analysis and Spatial Modeling (Part 2)  (download PPoint file, 14.9MB)


…Note:  these online PowerPoint presentations support a 3-hour workshop
that has been presented at several conferences, universities and other
venues.  Contact the author if you wish to sponsor one in your area.

(return to the Table of Contents)

Applying Map Analysis Techniques To Site-Specific Management


Hands-On Demonstration and Practical Discussion of the Basic Considerations in Map Analysis


Situation— Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology is revolutionizing industries from retail marketing to forestry.  This new way of doing business is based on a new set of map analysis tools that provide insight into spatial relationships.  Site-specific management of crops can benefit from these tools by extending soil samples and yield maps beyond “pretty pictures” to critical information that guides farm input distribution and management actions.


Workshop Description— the workshop will describe the basic considerations in assessing spatial relationships within and among mapped data.  The information will be presented through a series of case study steps that focus on a continuing series of columns for the @gInnovator Online Newsletter (by Successful Farming).  The topics to be covered include Map Data Visualization and Summary, Preprocessing and Map Normalization, Comparing Yield Maps, Comparing Yield Surfaces, Understanding Spatial Correlation, Interpolating and Assessing Map Surfaces, and The Remaining Steps.


Who Should Attend— the intermediate-level workshop is designed for researchers, consultants and producers who have had prior experience in precision agriculture and are comfortable with computers and basic statistics.  The workshop is particularly appropriate for individuals who have collected several years of precision ag data and want to better understand the concepts and procedures for analyzing the spatial relationships inherent in their data.


About the Instructor— Dr. Joseph K. Berry has been teaching GIS modeling for nearly 25 years and has presented hundreds of workshops on applying map analysis techniques to a wide variety of disciplines.  He is the President of Berry & Associates // Spatial Information Systems, the Special Projects Manager for Red Hen Systems and the Keck Scholar at the University of Denver.  He has written over 200 papers on map analysis and is the author of the popular books Beyond Mapping and Spatial Reasoning.


Berry & Associates

   2000 South College, Suite 300, Fort Collins, CO 80525

  Web Site: 
