Map Analysis: 
Procedures and Applications in GIS Modeling
   Detailed Table of Contents

© 2000 - 2002
Map Analysis: Procedures and Applications in GIS Modeling




GIS Software's Changing Roles —  discusses the evolution of GIS software and identifies important trends 

Topic 1 - Object-Oriented Technology -- This topic investigates the impact of object-oriented technology on GIS.  Discussion covers object-oriented user interfaces, programming modules and database designs.

OOUI and OOPS —  establishes the basic concepts in object-oriented technology 
Spatial Objects... the parse and parcel of GIS?
—  discusses database objects and their map expressions
Does Anyone Object?
—  discusses some concerns of object-oriented GIS

Topic 2 - Assessing Interpolation Results -- This topic explores techniques for assessing and mapping interpolation performance.  Discussion includes residual analysis, generation of "shadow" maps of error and comparison of the spatial pattern of interpolation error. 

Justifiable Interpolation —  describes the "Residual Analysis" procedure for assessing interpolation performance
A Map Full of Errors
—  discusses a technique for generating a "shadow map" of error
Comparing Map Errors
—  describes how normalized maps of error can be used to visualize the differences in error surfaces

Topic 3 - Considerations in Sampling Design -- This topic discusses the consideration in spatial sampling design.  Discussion takes in stratification, sample size, sampling grid, and sampling pattern as well as basic concepts of spatial dependency and correlation.

What's the Point? —  discusses the general considerations in point sampling design
Designer Samples
—  describes different sampling patterns and their relative advantages  
Depending on the Data
—  discusses the fundamental concepts of spatial dependency
Uncovering the Mysteries of Spatial Autocorrelation
—  describes approaches used in assessing spatial autocorrelation 

Topic 4 - Where Is GIS Education? -- This topic discusses how GIS education is evolving with particular attention to university dynamics.

Alternative Education —  describes the broadening appeal of GIS and its impact on academic organization and infrastructure
Infusing GIS Modeling Concepts
—  discusses how map analysis is enlarging the traditional view of mapping
Turning the Tanker
—  identifies new demands and students that are molding the future of GIS education

Topic 5 - Analyzing Accumulation Surfaces -- This topic discusses the construction and analysis of accumulation surfaces, such as travel-time maps.

Building Accumulation Surfaces —  reviews how proximity analysis and effective distance is used to construct accumulation surfaces
Analyzing Accumulation Surfaces
—  describes how two surfaces can be analyzed to determine the relative travel-time advantages 
Determining Optimal Path Corridors
—  describes a technique for determining the set of nth best paths between two points
Stepped Accumulation Surfaces
—  describes a technique for forcing an optimal path through a series of points 

Topic 6 - Analyzing In-Store Shopping Patterns -- This topic describes an application that identifies and analyzes shopper movement and sales activity.

Shopper Movement: Linking People and Products —  describes a procedure using accumulation surface analysis to infer shopper movement from cash register data
Linking Shopper Movement and Sales
—  discusses how map analysis is used to investigate the relationship between shopper movement and sales
Analyzing In-Store Movement and Sales Patterns
—  describes the use of temporal analysis and coincidence mapping to enhance shopping patterns  

Topic 7 - Linking Data Space and Geographic Space -- This topic discusses the link between numeric and geographic distributions and describes how "data space" is used to uncover spatial relationships.

Slippery Surfaces —  discusses the relationships among maps, map surfaces and data distributions
Linking Data and Geographic Distributions
—  describes the direct link between numeric and geographic distributions 
Exploring Data Space
—  establishes the concept of "data space" and how mapped data conforms to this fundamental view  
Identifying Data Patterns
—  discusses data clustering and its application in identifying spatial patterns

Topic 8 - Investigating Spatial Dependency -- This topic describes several measures for assessing spatial dependency.

GIS Data Is Rarely Normal —  describes the basic non-spatial descriptive statistics
Unlocking the Keystone Concept
—  discusses spatial dependency and illustrates the effects of different spatial arrangements of the same set of data
Measuring Spatial Dependency
—  describes the basic measures of autocorrelation 
Extending Spatial Dependency to Maps
—  describes a technique for generating a map of spatial autocorrelation

Topic 9 - Analyzing Landscape Patterns -- This topic describes several measures for assessing landscape structure.

Calculating Nearby Neighbor Statistics —  describes a technique that calculates the proximity to all of the surrounding parcels of a similar vegetation type
Analyzing Landscape Structure
—  discusses the underlying principles in landscape analysis and introduces some example landscape indices
Getting to the Core of Landscape Analysis
—  describes techniques for assessing core area and edge characterization
Assessing Forest Fragmentation
—  describes some landscape indices for determining richness and fragmentation 

Topic 10 - Applying Data Mining Techniques -- This topic discusses several measures used to compare maps and investigate spatial relations among map surfaces.

Comparing Maps by the Numbers —  describes several techniques for comparing discrete maps 
Comparing Map Surfaces
—  describes several techniques for comparing map surfaces 
Understanding Map Correlation
—  discusses the underlying concepts in assessing correlation among maps
Predictable Maps
—  describes a procedure for deriving a spatial prediction model 
Predicting the Future of Map Prediction
—  discusses the major considerations in developing spatial prediction models

Topic 11 - Characterizing Micro Terrain Features -- This topic describes several measures for assessing micro terrain configuration. 

Identifying Micro-Terrain Features —  describes techniques to identify convex and concave features 
Characterizing Local Terrain Conditions
—  discusses the use of "roving windows" to distinguish localized variations
Assessing Terrain Slope and Roughness
—  discusses techniques for determining terrain inclination and coarseness 
Characterizing Surface Flows
—  describes the use of optimal path density analysis for mapping surface flows
Modeling Erosion and Sediment Loading
—  illustrates a GIS model for assessing erosion potential and sediment loading

Topic 12 - Landscape Visualization -- This topic describes how the new technologies of virtual reality and multimedia mapping are being used to visualize landscapes.

Behind the Scenes of Virtual Reality —  discusses the basic considerations and concepts in 3d-object rendering
Constructing a Virtual Scene
—  describes the procedures in generating a virtual scene from landscape inventory data 
Representing Changes in a Virtual Forest
—  discusses how simulations and "fly-bys" are used to visualize landscape changes and characteristics
Capturing "Where and When" on Video
—  describes how GPS-enabled video and digital still cameras work
Creating Interactive Video Maps
—  describes how video maps are generated and discusses some applications of video mapping

Topic 13 - Creating Variable-Width Buffers -- This topic discusses effective proximity and how it is used to develop variable-width buffers.

Creating Variable-Width Buffers —  discusses the basic considerations in establishing variable-width buffers that respond to both intervening conditions and the type of connectivity 
Creating Line-of-Sight Buffers
—  describes procedures for creating buffers that track relative visual exposure and noise levels
Creating Effective-Distance Buffers —  develops procedures for creating buffers that respond to the relative ease of movement 

Topic 14 - Deriving and Using Travel-Time Maps -- This topic discusses procedures for deriving several forms of travel-time maps. 

Creating Travel-Time Buffers —  discusses procedures for establishing travel-time buffers responding to street type
Integrating Travel-Time into Mapping Packages —  describes procedures for transferring travel-time data to other maps 
Deriving and Using Hiking-Time Maps —  discusses procedures for establishing hiking-time buffers responding to off-road travel 
Considering Slope and Beauty in Hiking Maps —  describes a general procedure for weighting friction maps to reflect different objectives

Topic 15 - Deriving and Using Visual Exposure Maps -- This topic focuses on procedures for deriving several forms of visual exposure maps.

Identifying and Using Visual Exposure —  discusses basic considerations and procedures for establishing visual exposure 
There’s More That Meets the Eye —  investigates procedures for assessing visual exposure 
Assessing Visual Impact —  describes procedures for assessing visual impact and creating simple models 

Topic 16 – Characterizing Patterns and Relationships -- This topic describes basic concepts and procedures used in spatial data mining.

Calculating Map Similarity —  discusses basic considerations and procedures for generating similarity maps. 
Identifying Data Zones —  describes level-slicing for classifying areas into zones containing a specified data pattern
Mapping Data Clusters —  discusses clustering for partitioning an are into separate  data groups
Predicting Maps —  describes the basic concepts and procedures for deriving equations that can be used to derive prediction maps
Stratifying Maps for Better Predictions —  illustrates a procedure for subdividing an area into smaller more homogenous groups prior to generating prediction equations


Representing Spatial Patterns and Relationships —  discusses the important differences among discrete mapping , continuous map surfaces and map analysis
Evolving the GIS Mindset
—  illustrates the "map-ematical" approach to analyzing mapped data 
Is GIS Technology Ahead of Science?
—  discusses several issues surrounding the differences in the treatment of non-spatial and spatial data


Appendix A  —  contains extended discussion and reference materials 




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