Introduction to GIS Modeling

  …an introductory course in map analysis



GEOG 3160, University of Denver, Winter 2001


Thursday evenings, 6:00 to 8:50pm, Room 125, GIS Lab, Boettcher Building (West)



Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar, Room 108, Boettcher Building (West)

   Phone (970) 215-0825    Email      Website



Links to Course Syllabus and other course administrative stuff

About the instructor

            Installing and registering your special copy of MapCalc

Email Dialog and Other Helpful Hints

            Example of a completed homework exercise (Exercise #1 -- Dissecting a Suitability Model)

            Another Example of a completed homework (Exercise #4 – Measuring Distance and Connectivity)

Another Example of a completed homework (Exercise #6 – Landfill Suitability Model)

Another Example of a completed homework (Exercise #6 – Landslide Susceptibility Model)



Links to Lecture Notes  (note: click hyperlink to view in your browser; right click PPoint files to download lecture presentations)


Week 1 -- Maps as Data  [GIS mapping, management and modeling; Discrete (map objects) vs. continuous (map surfaces); Linking data and geographic distributions; Framework for map-ematical processing] Download

Week 2 – Spatial Analysis Operations  [Map data types and their implications; Contouring implications; Characterizing size, shape, pattern and arrangement] Download

Week 3 – Reclassifying and Overlaying Map Layers  [Point, region and map-wide overlay; Grid math; Error propagation] Download

Week 4 – Measuring Distance and Connectivity  [Simple vs. weighted distance; Proximity and movement; Accumulation surfaces; Identifying optimal path(s); Viewsheds and visual exposure surfaces; Narrowness surfaces] Download

Week 5 – Summarizing Spatial Context  [Calculating slope, aspect and profile maps; Applying spatial differentiation and integration; "Roving window" summary operations; Characterizing edges and complexity] Download
Week 6 – GIS Modeling Procedures [Deductive vs. inductive reasoning; Flowcharting spatial problems] Download

Week 7 – Surface Modeling  [Spatial dependency, autocorrelation and variogram; Spatial interpolation (IDW, Kriging and others); Assessing interpolation results] Download  

Week 8 -- Spatial Statistics (Descriptive)  [Sampling design; Basic statistics and its GIS expression; Normalizing maps; Generating a standard normal variable map; Mapping spatial dependency] Download

Week 9 -- Spatial Statistics (Prescriptive)  [Linking numeric and geographic patterns; Clustering mapped data; Investigating map correlation; Developing prediction models; Assessing prediction results] Download

Week 10 – Future Directions [Dynamic map pedigree; Toward a humane GIS; GIS software's changing roles; Evolving the GIS mindset; Is technology ahead of science?] Download



Links to Homework Assignments

Homework guidelines and example question/response


Week 1 -- Maps as Data [#1- Dissecting a suitability model (MapCalc)] Download
(Optional MapCalc Tutorials)

Week 2 – Spatial Analysis Operations  [#2- Examples of spatial analysis (MapCalc)] Download

Week 3 – Reclassify and Overlay  [#3- Habitat model and examples  (MapCalc)] Download

Week 4 – Measuring Distance and Connectivity  [#4- Distance and connectivity (MapCalc)] Download

Week 5 – Summarizing Spatial Context  [#5- Neighborhood analysis (MapCalc] Download

Midterm Exam Study Questions Download

(Link to Discussion Forum)

Take the Midterm exam (return 1.5 hours after you download) Download

…posted on the class website by 10:00 am, Thursday, February 8th, and must be completed by 12:00 midnight, Sunday, February 11th.  You will download the exam (time/date stamped at our website) and email the completed document to me within 1.5 hours.  BE SURE to save your completed Word file before you email as an attachment!!!

Week 6 – GIS Modeling Procedures [#6- Implementing a suitability model (MapCalc)] Download

Week 7 – Surface Modeling  [#7 – Spatial interpolation (Surfer)] Download  …special data files Period1.dat  and Period2.dat
(Optional Surfer Tutorials)

Week 8 – Spatial Statistics (Descriptive)  [#8- Basic spatial statistics (Surfer)] Download  …special data file ELEV_PTS_surfer.xls

Week 9 – Spatial Statistics (Prescriptive)  [#9- More on spatial statistics (MapCalc and Excel)] Download …special MapCalc database AgData.rgs

Take the Final exam/project  Download

…posted on the class website by 5:00 pm, Friday, March 9th, and must be completed by 5:00 pm, Sunday, March 16th.  The exam/project can be done in teams of up to four members—one write-up per group, submitted as a Word document.



Links to Readings (BM= Beyond Mapping; SR= Spatial Reasoning; MA= Map Analysis)


(List of book topics; order texts at search for keywords Beyond Mapping and Spatial Reasoning; a draft manuscript Map Analysis is available for photocopying)


Week 1 – Maps as Data [BM_ Intro, T#1, Epilog, SR_T#6]

Week 2 – Spatial Analysis Operations [SR_T#7, MA_T#9]  (optional Fragstats overview)

Week 3 – Reclassify and Overlay [BM_T#6, T#7, SR_ T#4] 

Week 4 – Measuring Distance and Connectivity [BM_T#2, MA_T#5, T#6, T#13, T#14] 

Week 5 – Summarizing Spatial Context  [BM_T#3, T#5, T#9]
Week 6 – GIS Modeling Procedures  [BM_ T#10, SR_ T#1, T#5, T#8, MA_ T#1, T#4, T#11]
Week 7 – Surface Modeling  [BM_T#4, SR_ T#2, MA_ T#2]

Week 8 – Spatial Statistics (Descriptive)  [MA_T#3, T#7]

Week 9 – Spatial Statistics (Prescriptive)  [SR_T#10, MA_T#8, T#10]

Week 10 – Future Directions [BM_ T#8, SR_ Intro, T#3, T#9, Epilog, MA_ Intro, Epilog, T#12]



Links to Course Software


  MapCalc [included with the MapCalc Learner educational materials—install from the CD; see for more information on MapCalc software]


MapCalc databases [right-click on a file and select “Save Target As…]

Tutor25.rgs – basic tutorial database (25 rows x 25 cols)

Island.rgs – natural resource database (100 rows x 100 cols)

Smallville.rgs – business database (100 rows x 100 cols)

AgData.rgs – agriculture database (66 rows x 64 cols)



  Surfer Software [included with the MapCalc Learner educational materials—install from the CD; see for more information on Surfer software]


  SnagIt [download (1.25MB) the Windows-based program for screen capture; 45 day evaluation; $39.95 to purchase (recommended); see for more information on SnagIt software]