
GIS Modeling Class Website

   …an introduction to grid-based map analysis and modeling



GEOG 3110, University of Denver, Geography, Winter Term 2013

Thursdays 6:00-9:15pm, GIS Lab, Room 126, Boettcher (West)


<Click here> for 1-page flyer describing the course


Instructor: Joseph K. Berry, Room 213, Boettcher Building (West)


Open Door office hours Thursdays, 3:00 to 5:00pm (or specially arranged on Thursday 10:00am-3:00pm)


Phone (970) 215-0825   Email or



BA_none_iconCourse Administrative Materials


Course Syllabus


Who Should Take the Course?

About the instructor

MapCalc Manual

Email dialog and other helpful hints

Homework guidelines and example question/response

Report Writing Tips

Setting up and using class data

Team Evaluation Form

Example Mini-Project

Example Applications

Class Makeup (pending registration)


BA_none_iconCourse Readings


The Map Analysis text (Berry 2007, GeoTec Media) is Required Reading and available at an author’s discount at the first class meeting for $34.64 (or order from publisher for $51.95, includes U.S shipping;  The book includes a Companion CD-ROM containing the MapCalc Learner and Surfer Demo software used in the course and text files of the Recommended Further Reading and links to the Optional Other Reading.   In addition, Keywords for Google searches and links to numerous Other Papers and Presentations that are posted online for students wanting even more information on each Topic.







Required Reading


Recommended Further Reading & Optional Other Reading

Map Analysis Text


Further Reading

(on companion CD-ROM)


Other Reading

(posted on the Internet)




Table of Contents, Foreword, Preface and Introduction


plus online papers on ”Making a Case for SpatialSTEM” and “An Analytical Framework for GIS Modeling 


Video demos of MapCalc usage


About MapCalc

About Surfer

About SnagIt


Papers on “Incorporating Grid-Based Map Analysis Into GIS Curricula” and “A Mathematical Structure for Analyzing Maps



Topic 1

Data Structure Implications

Topic 2

Fundamental Map Analysis Approaches

Topic 1 Further Reading

Topic 2 Further Reading

BM Columns on “Overview of Basic Terminology & Structure”, “Maps as Data & Data Structure Implications” and “Alternative Data Structures



Topic 3

Basic Techniques in Spatial Analysis

Topic 3 Further Reading

BM Columns on “Toward an Honest GIS

Paper on “GIS Technology in Environmental Management



Topic 4

Calculating Effective Distance

Topic 4 Further Reading

Papers on “Identifying and Evaluating Alternative Pipeline Routes & Corridors” and “Mapping In-Store Shopper Movement

Application article on “A Consensus Method Finds Preferred Routing



Topic 5

Calculating Visual Exposure

Topic 6

Summarizing Neighbors

Topic 5 Further Reading

Topic 6 Further Reading

Papers on “Incorporating Grid-based Modeling into Linear Infrastructure Analysis” and “Characterizing Surface Area, Length & Inclination



(Exam #1)

Topic 7

Basic Spatial Modeling Approaches

Topic 7 Further Reading

BM Columns on “A Framework for GIS Modeling” and “Cartographic & Spatial Modeling




Topic 8

Spatial Modeling Example

Topic 8 Further Reading

Paper on

Application articles on “A Mapping Firewall” and “Quantifying Wildfire Risk



Topic 9

Basic Techniques in Spatial Statistics

Topic 9 Further Reading

Paper on “Representing Spatial Patterns & Relationships

Application articles on “Who’s Minding the Farm” “Precision Agriculture” and “Precision Conservation



Topic 10

Spatial Data Mining

Topic 10 Further Reading

Papers on “Site-Specific Crop Management” and “Remote Sensing Crop Type & Condition

Application article on “Retail Sales Competition Analysis



(Exam #2)



Papers on “Education, Vocation & GIS Enlightenment

and “3D-GIS Concepts and Considerations

Final Exam Period

Grad Student Presentations




BA_none_iconCourse Lecture Notes


Note: right-click on the hyperlink to download lecture presentations; PowerPoint files are posted at least 24 hours before class.  Be aware that the \Links folder containing external slide sets is only available through the class folder in the GIS Lab.


-       Week 1 – Overview  [Wk1_lec.ppt - GIS mapping, management and modeling; Discrete (map objects) vs. continuous (map surfaces); Linking data and geographic distributions; Framework for map-ematical processing]


-       Week 2 – Maps as Data [Wk2_lec.ppt - Map data types and their implications; Contouring and thematic mapping effects/implications; Vector vs. raster; Raster images, grids and pseudo-grids]


-       Week 3 – Reclassifying and Overlaying Map Layers [Wk3_lec.ppt - Characterizing size, shape, pattern and arrangement; Point, region and map-wide overlay; Grid math; Spatial coincidence statistics; Comparing maps; Error propagation]


-       Week 4 – Measuring Distance and Connectivity [Wk4_lec.ppt - Simple vs. effective distance; Proximity and movement; Accumulation surfaces; Identifying optimal path(s); Viewsheds and visual exposure surfaces; Narrowness surfaces]


-       Week 5 – Summarizing Spatial Context [Wk5_lec.ppt - Calculating slope, aspect and profile maps; Applying spatial differentiation and integration; Roving window summary operations; Characterizing edges and complexity]


-       Week 6 – GIS Modeling Approaches [Wk6_lec.ppt - Deductive vs. inductive reasoning; Flowcharting spatial problems; Types of GIS models] (link to example graded_MiniProject_example.htm)


-       Week 7 – GIS Modeling Examples [Wk7_lec.ppt - Pipeline routing; Wildfire risk mapping; Micro terrain analysis; Retail sales]


-       Week 8 – Surface Modeling [Wk8_lec.ppt - Basic statistics and its GIS expression; Spatial dependency; Spatial interpolation (IDW, Kriging and others); Assessing interpolation results; Mapping spatial dependency; Sampling design] 


-       Week 9 – Spatial Data Mining [Wk9_lec.ppt - Linking numeric and geographic patterns; Normalizing maps; Viewing scatter plots; Clustering mapped data; Investigating map correlation; Developing prediction models (spatial regression); Assessing prediction results]


-       Week 10 – Future Directions [Wk10_lec.ppt - Data exchange; Dynamic map pedigree; Toward a humane GIS; GIS software's changing roles; Evolving the GIS mindset; Is technology ahead of science?]  


BA_none_iconCourse Homework Assignments


Note: right-click on the hyperlink to download exercise templates; Word files are posted at least 24 hours before class.


MapCalc User’s Guide reference manual (94 pages)


Math/Stat Classification of Analytic Operations (MapCalc by Basis) listing MapCalc’s analytical operations by traditional mathematics and statistics categories

Math/Stat Classification of Analytic Tools (Spatial Analyst by Esri) listing Spatial Analyst module’s analytical tools by traditional mathematics and statistics categories

Cross-reference MapCalc commands to ESRI Grid/Spatial Analyst

Accessing MapCalc and Surfer Virtually (VMware)

Exer0.doc – example exercise template

Exer1_demo.avi – video demonstrating the procedures you will use in Exercise #1


-       Week 1 – Overview [Exer1.doc - Dissecting a suitability model (MapCalc)]

[Optional MapCalc Tutorials]


-       Week 2 – Maps as Data [Exer2.doc - Examples of spatial analysis considerations (MapCalc)]


-       Week 3 – Reclassify and Overlay [Exer3.doc – Reclassify and Overlay (MapCalc)]


-       Week 4 – Measuring Distance and Connectivity [Exer4.doc - Distance and Connectivity (MapCalc)]


-       Week 5 – Summarizing Spatial Context [Exer5.doc - Neighborhood analysis (MapCalc]

Exam #1 Study Questions you are encouraged to study together and exchange insights about answering the questions… if not face-to-face, then through emails.


-       Week 6 – GIS Modeling Approaches [Exer6.doc Mini-Project “opportunities” – designing, implementing and reporting a “directed” GIS application model (MapCalc); extra three days to complete (due Monday, February 25, 5:00 pm); use the graded Example Mini-Project as a benchmark]


à Click here to take Exam #1 (return 2.5 hours after you download) it will be posted on the class website by 8:00 am Friday February 15 and must be completed by 5:00 pm Tuesday February 19.  You will download the exam and submit your completed document within 2.5 hours via email to  BE SURE to save your completed Word file before you exit to submit it!!!


-       Week 7 – GIS Modeling Examples [No lab assignment]


-       Week 8 – Surface Modeling [Exer8.doc – Spatial interpolation (Surfer); or special report (4-10 pages) on a GIS Modeling topic of your own choosing]

[Optional Surfer Tutorials]


-       Week 9 – Spatial Data Mining [Exer9.doc - Basic spatial statistics (MapCalc); or special report (4-10 pages) on a GIS Modeling topic of your own choosing]


Exam #2 Study Questions you are encouraged to study together and exchange insights about answering the questions… if not face-to-face, then through emails.


-       Week 10 – Future Directions [No lab assignment; graduate student presentations; Future directions in geotechnology and map analysis; Optional Exer10.doc on MapCalc Import/Export; (click here) to download a self-extracting zip file containing special data for Optional Exercise #10—unzip into …\MapCalc Data folder]


àClick here to take Exam #2 (return 2.5 hours after you download) …posted on the class website by 10:00 am, Friday, March 15 and must be completed by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, March 19.  You will download the exam and submit your completed document within 2.5 hours via email to  BE SURE to save your completed Word file before you exit to submit it!!!


BA_none_icon Course Software


All of the course software is installed on the GIS Lab computers.  You can install the software to your own computer from the Map Analysis book’s companion CD or download from the Internet—


  Microsoft Office [you need to have working versions of Microsoft Office applications Word, PowerPoint and Excel loaded on your computer; student version available through the bookstore] 


 Adobe Reader [download and install from the Internet — Windows-based program for viewing/printing documentation files (.pdf); free software; see for more information on Adobe Reader and free download]


  SnagIt [download and install from the Internet — screen capture software; 30 day evaluation; see  for information on fully licensed system ($37.95 Academic version)]


  MapCalc Learner [install from the Map Analysis book Companion CD — grid-based map analysis software included with the course materials provided by the instructor]


  Surfer Demo [install Version 8 from the Map Analysis book Companion CD — surface modeling and 3D display software included with the course materials provided by the instructor; also you can download the most recent demo version from, but the exercises in the course might not directly correspond to the syntax in the most recent version; see and select “Productsà Surfer” for more information on fully licensed commercial system ($699)]
