Analysis, Topic 5 Calculating
Visual Exposure
18 Line-of-Sight Buffers Add
Intelligence to Maps
19 Identify and Use Visual Exposure
to Create Viewshed Maps
20 Visual Exposure Is in the Eye of
the Beholder
21 Use Exposure Maps and Fat Buttons
to Assess Visual Impact
Keywords for
Online Search — viewshed, line-of-sight connectivity, calculating viewsheds, visual connectivity, GIS visual analysis, GIS
visual impact assessment, visual exposure modeling, weighted visual exposure.
Visual Exposure Techniques — three references describing extended
techniques involving weighted visual exposure for assessing overall aesthetics
and visual vulnerability.
Exposure Surface Analysis
for Assessing Relative Visual Vulnerability and Aesthetics (Basis Posting) — paper
for GeoTech Conference, GeoWorld-Adams Business Media, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March
16-19, 2003.
Use Maps to Assess Visual
Vulnerability (GW Feb 2003) — BM column discussing a procedure for
identifying visually vulnerable areas.
Try Vulnerability Maps to Visualize Aesthetics (GW Mar
2003) — BM column describing a procedure for
deriving an aesthetics map based on visual exposure to pretty and ugly places.
Exposure Application Examples — two references containing annotated
examples using visual analysis in land planning and natural resource management
Determining Visual Exposure (Basis Posting) — A
land planner needs to determine areas are that are highly visible from the road
network for consideration in a new development plan for the county. (Uses MapCalc Learner Tutor25 dbase)
Modeling Visual Exposure from Roads and Houses (Basis
Posting) — A
natural resource manager needs a map that identifies the relative visual
exposure of forested lands in a county. This
information is important in deciding where visually sensitive activities should
and shouldn’t be located. (Uses MapCalc Learner Tutor25 dbase)