Beyond Mapping Compilation Series
Joseph K. Berry
…Beyond Mapping
columns appearing
in GeoWorld (formally GIS World) magazine
from March 1989
through December 2013.
(click to
access additional Chronological, Operations, Interactive and Index
Listings with hyperlinks to individual Beyond Mapping columns)
(click for a hardcopy version of this
document posted at
Applications Listing
with hyperlinks to individual Beyond Mapping columns
The following Application Listing contains
all of Beyond Mapping (BM) columns appearing in GeoWorld from 1989 through 2013
alphabetically sorted into the twenty-three major application groupings
identified below (< click> on any
of the items to jump to that grouping)—
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations (70 columns) |
NaturalResources_EmergencyResponse (7 columns) |
Basic_ConceptsApproach (32 columns) |
NaturalResources_Harvesting (3 columns) |
Basic_ConceptsData (29 columns) |
NaturalResources_Planning (9 columns) |
Basic_Discussion (51 columns) |
NaturalResources_Suitability (8 columns) |
NaturalResources_WildFire (5 columns) |
GeoBusiness_DataGrouping (4 columns) |
GeoBusiness_InStoreMovement (3 columns) |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis (8 columns) |
GeoBusiness_RetailMarketing (7 columns) |
PrecisionAgriculture_Process (1 column) |
GeoBusiness_SurfaceModeling (2 columns) |
GeoBusiness_TravelTime (2 columns) |
Terrain_Analysis (11 columns) |
GIS_Education (14 columns) |
Video_Mapping (3 columns) |
VirtualReality_Mapping (3 columns) |
Infrastructure_Pipeline (6 columns) |
Infrastructure_Routing (4 columns) |
Note: The colors in
column 1 and 5 indicate the book— blue= Book IV, GIS Modeling;
Salmon= Book III, Map Analysis;
green= Book II, Spatial
Reasoning; and,
Grey= Book I, Beyond Mapping. When viewing the results of sorting on
Groupings of Approaches and Operations or Application Areas the colors are helpful
in quickly identifying the Book associated with each record (original Beyond
Mapping column) appearing in the reorganized listing.
Date Code (Col 1) |
Month (Col 2) |
Year (Col 3) |
Title/Description (Col 4) |
Book/ Topic/Section (Col 5) |
Groupings of Operations (Col 6) |
Groupings of Applications (Col 7) |
2013.10 |
October |
2013 |
the Foundation for SpatialSTEM: Spatial Mathematics, Map Algebra and
Map Analysis — discusses the conceptual foundation and intellectual
shifts needed for SpatialSTEM |
Topic 9, S6 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
2013.02 |
February |
2013 |
Map Analysis Operations for General Consumption — reorganizes
ArcGIS’s Spatial Analyst tools into the SpatialSTEM framework that extends
traditional math/stat procedures |
B4, Topic 9, Further Reading4 |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2012.07 |
July |
2012 |
on Absurd Gerrymanders — discusses how a Narrowness Index (NI) can be
applied to assess redistricting configurations |
B4, Topic 2, S5 |
Reclassify_shape |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2011.06 |
June |
2011 |
Away from Breakpoints — describes the use of curve-fitting
to derive continuous equations for suitability model ratings |
B4, Topic 4, Further Reading3 |
Map_Normalization |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2011.05 |
May |
2011 |
Maps and a Numerical Mindset — describes a Spatially
Localized Correlation procedure for mapping the mutual relationship between
two map variables |
B4, Topic 4, S4 |
SpatialDataMining_PredictiveStatistics |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2011.04 |
April |
2011 |
Apples and Oranges — describes a Standard Normal Variable
(SNV) procedure for normalizing maps for comparison |
B4, Topic 4, Further Reading2 |
Map_Normalization |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2011.03 |
March |
2011 |
Dynamic Tune-up for Distance Calculations — describes the algorithms
for dynamic effective distance procedures involving intervening conditions |
B4, Topic 2, S2 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2006.07 |
July |
2006 |
Compare Discrete Maps — discusses procedures for comparing
discrete maps |
B3, Topic 10, S1 |
Map_ComparisonDiscreteData |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2006.06 |
June |
2006 |
the Hood of Spatial Interpolation — investigates
the basic concepts in IDW and Kriging interpolation procedures |
B3, Topic
9, S3 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2006.05 |
May |
2006 |
Average Is Hardly Anywhere — discusses the difference between
spatial and non-spatial data distributions |
B3, Topic
9, S2 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2006.04 |
April |
2006 |
Concepts Characterize Unique Conditions — describes a technique for handling
unique combinations of map layers |
B3, Topic 3, Further Reading1 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.12 |
December |
2005 |
for the Good Stuff — investigates a couple of spatial filters for
assessing neighborhood connectivity and variability |
B3, Topic 6 , Further Reading3 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.11 |
November |
2005 |
Spatial Context Information — describes a procedure for deriving
a customer density surface |
B3, Topic 6, S2 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.07 |
July |
2005 |
and Compare to Find Effective Proximity — describes how effective
proximity is calculated |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading2 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.06 |
June |
2005 |
Simple Proximity to Effective Movement — discusses
the concept of effective distance responding to relative and absolute
barriers |
B3, Topic 4, S4 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.05 |
May |
2005 |
Cells and Rings to Calculate Simple Proximity — describes how
simple proximity is calculated |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading1 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.04 |
April |
2005 |
Distance Is Neither Here nor There — discusses the basic concepts
of distance and proximity |
B3, Topic 4, S3 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.03 |
March |
2005 |
Space for Mapped Data — investigates the link between geographic
space and data space for mapping data patterns |
B3, Topic 2, S4 |
SpatialDataMining_Clustering |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.02 |
February |
2005 |
Spatial Statistics to Map Abnormal Averages — discusses surface
modeling to characterize the spatial distribution inherent in a data set |
B3, Topic 2, S3 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2005.01 |
January |
2005 |
Our Understanding of Distance — uses effective distance in
establishing erosion setback to demonstrate spatial analysis |
B3, Topic 2, S2 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2004.09 |
September |
2004 |
“Shadow Maps” to Understand Overlay Errors — describes
how shadow maps of certainty can be used to estimate error and its
propagation |
B3, Topic 3, Further Reading2 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2004.06 |
June |
2004 |
Quickly Characterize Spatial Coincidence — discusses
several human considerations in implementing |
B3, Topic 3, S4 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2004.05 |
May |
2004 |
Operations Feature a Variety of Options — discusses
the basic overlaying map operations |
B3, Topic 3, S3 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2004.04 |
April |
2004 |
Seem Endless When Reclassifying Maps — discusses the basic reclassifying
map operations |
B3, Topic 3, S2 |
Reclassify_InitialValue |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.10 |
October |
2003 |
with Maps to Evaluate Alternative Routes — describes
procedures for comparing routes |
B3, Topic 8, S4 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.09 |
September |
2003 |
Recipe for Calibrating and Weighting GIS Model Criteria — identifies
procedures for calibrating and weighting map layers in GIS models |
B3, Topic 8, S3 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.08 |
August |
2003 |
Multi-Criteria When Routing — discusses
the construction of a discrete “cost/avoidance” map and optimal path
corridors |
B3, Topic 8, S2 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.07 |
July |
2003 |
Three-Step Process Identifies Preferred Routes — describes
the basic steps in Least Cost Path analysis |
B3, Topic 8, S1 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.04 |
April |
2003 |
Methods Help Organize Raster Data — discusses different approaches to
storing raster data |
B3, Topic 1, Further Reading1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.03 |
March |
2003 |
Vulnerability Maps to Visualize Aesthetics — describes
a procedure for deriving an aesthetics map based on visual exposure to pretty
and ugly places |
B3, Topic
5, Further Reading2 |
Distance_VisualExposure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.02 |
February |
2003 |
Maps to Assess Visual Vulnerability — discusses a procedure for
identifying visually vulnerable areas |
B3, Topic
5, Further Reading1 |
Distance_VisualExposure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2003.01 |
January |
2003 |
of Slope’s Slippery Slope — describes various slope calculations
and compares results |
B3, Topic
6, Further Reading7 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2002.12 |
December |
2002 |
Surface Area for Realistic Calculations — describes
a technique for adjusting planimetric area to surface area considering
terrain slope |
B3, Topic
6, Further Reading8 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2002.10 |
October |
2002 |
Surfaces Connect Bus Riders and Stops — discusses an accumulation surface
analysis procedure for linking riders with bus stops |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading8 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2001.08 |
August |
2001 |
Exposure Maps and Fat Buttons to Assess Visual Impact — investigates
procedures for assessing visual exposure |
B3, Topic
5, S4 |
Distance_VisualExposure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2001.07 |
July |
2001 |
Exposure is in the Eye of the Beholder — describes procedures for assessing
visual impact and creating simple models |
B3, Topic
5, S3 |
Distance_VisualExposure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2001.06 |
June |
2001 |
and Use Visual Exposure to Create Viewshed Maps — discusses
basic considerations and procedures for establishing visual connectivity |
B3, Topic
5, S2 |
Distance_VisualExposure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2001.05 |
May |
2001 |
Slope and Scenic Beauty in Deriving Hiking Maps — describes a general procedure for
weighting friction maps to reflect different objectives |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading7 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2001.04 |
April |
2001 |
and Use Hiking-Time Maps for Off-Road Travel — discusses procedures for
establishing hiking-time buffers responding to off-road travel |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading6 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2001.01 |
January |
2001 |
Effective Distance Buffers to Improve Map Accuracy — develops
procedures for creating buffers that respond to the relative ease of
movement |
B3, Topic 4, S2 |
Distance_TravelTime |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2000.12 |
December |
2000 |
Buffers Add Intelligent to Maps — describes procedures
for creating buffers that track relative visual exposure and noise levels |
B3, Topic 5, S1 |
Distance_VisualExposure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2000.11 |
November |
2000 |
GIS Procedures with Variable-Width Buffers — discusses
the basic considerations in establishing variable-width buffers that respond
to both intervening conditions and the type of connectivity |
B3, Topic 4, S1 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1999.10 |
October |
1999 |
Statistics to Compare Map Surfaces
— describes several techniques for comparing continuous map
surfaces |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading6 |
Map_ComparisonContinuousData |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1999.09 |
September |
1999 |
Compare Maps by the Numbers
— describes several techniques for comparing discrete maps |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading5 |
Map_ComparisonDiscreteData |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1995.021 |
February |
1995 |
the GIS Modeling Babble Ground — identifies a Classification Guide
for categorizing GIS models |
B2, Topic 5, S2 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1994.09 |
September |
1994 |
Dis-Information — describes
the calculation of a localized Coefficient of Variance map |
B2, Topic 4, S3 |
Map_Normalization |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1994.08 |
August |
1994 |
Uncertainty — identifies a procedure for
tracking error propagation in map overlay |
B2, Topic 4, S2 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1994.07 |
July |
1994 |
This, That, There Rule — describes creating a “Shadow Map of Certainty” that
characterizes the spatial distribution of probable error |
B2, Topic 4, S1 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1994.03 |
March |
1994 |
on GIS’s Sticky Floor — describes Inverse
Distance, Kriging, and Minimum Curvature techniques for surface modeling |
B2, Topic 2, S3 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1993.01 |
January |
1993 |
a New Look at Visual Connectivity — describes
viewshed and visual exposure procedures |
B1, Topic 9, S5 |
Distance_VisualExposure |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1992.12 |
December |
1992 |
and Contortions Lead to Connectivity — describes
procedures for calculating optimal paths and routing corridors |
B1, Topic 9, S4 |
Distance_Routing |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1992.11 |
November |
1992 |
Rulers Fit Reality Better — describes procedures
for calculating effective distance that considers intervening absolute and
relative barriers |
B1, Topic 9, S3 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1992.10 |
October |
1992 |
Is Simple and Straight Forward — describes simple distance
calculation as a propagating wavefront
B1, Topic 9, S2 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1992.09 |
September |
1992 |
More Than One Way to Figure Slope — describes procedures for calculating
surface slope and its varied applications |
B1, Topic 9, S1 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1992.04 |
April |
1992 |
I Hadn’t of Believed It, I Wouldn’t Have Seen It — discusses map-wide
overlay techniques and the spatial evaluation of algebraic equations, such as
regression |
B1, Topic 7, S3 |
Overlay_MapWide |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1992.03 |
March |
1992 |
Overlay Techniques— there’s more than one — discusses region-wide summary and map coincidence techniques |
B1, Topic 7, S2 |
Overlay_RegionWide |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1992.02 |
Feb/Jan |
1992 |
Spatial Coincidence the Computer’s Way — describes
point-by-point overlay techniques |
B1, Topic 7, S1 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1991.12 |
December |
1991 |
the Non-Analytical — describes
how “joint probability of coincidence” and “minimum mapping resolution” can be
used to assess results of overlaying maps |
B1, Topic 6, S2 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1991.11 |
November |
1991 |
Facilitates Error Assessment — discusses
potential sources of error when overlaying maps and how “shadow maps” of
error and “fuzzy theory” can shed light on the problem |
B1, Topic 6, S1 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1991.10 |
October |
1991 |
Feature Patterns — describes procedures for assessing landscape pattern (Spacing and
Contiguity) |
B1, Topic 5, S3 |
Reclassify_Contiguity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1991.09 |
September |
1991 |
Can’t See the Forest for the Trees —
discusses indices of feature shape (Boundary Configuration and Spatial
Integrity) |
B1, Topic 5, S2 |
Reclassify_Shape |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1991.08 |
August |
1991 |
to Ask the Right Questions Takes You Beyond Mapping — describes indices of map variability (Neighborhood Complexity and
Comparison) |
B1, Topic 5, S1 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1991.07 |
July |
1991 |
Special URISA
Issue — no BM column; special supplement made available, A
Mathematical Structure for Analyzing Maps— a 1986 journal article
establishing a framework for map analysis/modeling |
B1, Epilog, S3 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1990.12 |
December |
1990 |
Don’t Do Windows — describes procedures
for summarizing weighted roving windows |
B1, Topic 3, S4 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1990.10 |
Oct/Nov |
1990 |
Numbers, They’ll Tell you Anything — discusses
the underlying theory and basic considerations of spatial interpolation |
B1, Topic 3, S3 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1990.08 |
Aug/Sep |
1990 |
Like the New Math, I am Just Too Old — discusses
the concept of calculating a “map derivative” and its use |
B1, Topic 3, S2 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1990.06 |
Jun/July |
1990 |
is More Important than Information — describes
procedures for characterizing surface configuration (slope, aspect and
profile) |
B1, Topic 3, S1 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1990.04 |
Apr/May |
1990 |
Only One Problem Having All this Sophisticated Equipment — discusses the basic approaches used for calculating narrowness
and visual connectivity |
B1, Topic 2, S4 |
Distance_Narrowness |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1990.02 |
Feb/Mar |
1990 |
It Simple Stupid (KISS) — describes the use of “accumulation
surfaces” for deriving optimal path density and Nth best paths |
B1, Topic 2, S3 |
Distance_AccumulationSurface |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1989.11 |
Nov/Dec |
1989 |
the Crow Walks — describes the use of
“propagating waves” for calculating effective distance and optimal paths |
B1, Topic 2, S2 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
1989.09 |
Sep/Oct |
1989 |
Can’t Get There from Here — introduces
the similarities and differences between “simple” and “effective” distance
measurement |
B1, Topic 2, S1 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_ConceptsAnalyticOperations |
2013.05 |
May |
2013 |
It up in GIS Modeling’s Kitchen — an overview of map analysis
and GIS modeling considerations |
B4, Topic 5, S1 |
Overview |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
2013.03 |
March |
2013 |
on Where is What — develops an organizational structure for spatial
statistics |
B4, Topic 9, S5 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
2011.11 |
November |
2011 |
Lines versus Color Gradients for Displaying Spatial Information — discusses
the similarities and differences between discrete contour line and continuous
gradient procedures for visualizing map surfaces |
B4, Topic 1, S4 |
Display_2D3D |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
2010.10 |
October |
2010 |
GIS Modeling Concepts in Their Place — develops a typology of GIS modeling types and
characteristics |
B4, Topic 5, S4 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
2009.04 |
April |
2009 |
Missing in Mapping? — discusses the need for identifying
data dispersion as well as average in Thematic Mapping |
B4, Topic 4, S1 |
Overlay_RegionWide |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
2004.12 |
December |
2004 |
Mapping to Analysis of Mapped Data — describes Spatial Analysis
and Spatial Statistics as extensions to traditional mapping and statistics |
B3, Topic 2, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
2003.06 |
June |
2003 |
Mapping “Art” to Visualize Values — describes procedures for generating
contour maps |
B3, Topic 1, Further Reading2 |
Display_2D3D |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
2001.09 |
September |
2001 |
Polar Variograms to Assess Distance and Direction Dependencies — discuses a
procedure to incorporate direction as well as distance for assessing spatial
dependency |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading10 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1999.01 |
January |
1999 |
Extending Spatial Dependency to Maps
— describes a technique for generating a map of spatial
autocorrelation |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading9 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1998.12 |
December |
1998 |
Measuring Spatial Dependency
— describes the basic measures of autocorrelation |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading8 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1998.11 |
November |
1998 |
the Keystone Concept of Spatial
Dependency — discusses spatial dependency
and illustrates the effects of different spatial arrangements of the same set
of data |
B3, Topic
9, Further Reading7 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1998.07 |
July |
1998 |
Explore Data Space — establishes
the concept of "data space" and how mapped data conforms to this
fundamental view |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading3 |
Processing_Approaches |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1998.06 |
June |
1998 |
Link Data and Geographic Distributions
— describes
the direct link between numeric and geographic distributions |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading2 |
Processing_Approaches |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1998.05 |
May |
1998 |
the Slippery Surfaces of GIS Modeling — discusses
the relationships among maps, map surfaces and data distributions |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading1 |
Processing_Approaches |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1998.01 |
January |
1998 |
Stepped Accumulation Surfaces
— describes a technique for forcing an optimal path through a
series of points |
B3, Topic 8, Further Reading7 |
Distance_AccumulationSurface |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.12 |
December |
1997 |
Determining Optimal Path Corridors
— describes a technique for determining the set of nth
best paths between two points |
B3, Topic 8, Further Reading6 |
Distance_AccumulationSurface |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.11 |
November |
1997 |
Analyzing Accumulation Surfaces
— describes how two surfaces can be analyzed to determine the
relative travel-time advantages |
B3, Topic 8, Further Reading5 |
Distance_AccumulationSurface |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.10 |
October |
1997 |
Building Accumulation Surfaces
— reviews how proximity analysis and effective distance is used to
construct accumulation surfaces |
B3, Topic 8, Further Reading4 |
Distance_AccumulationSurface |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.07 |
July |
1997 |
Uncovering the Mysteries of Spatial Autocorrelation
— describes approaches used in assessing spatial autocorrelation |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading6 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.05 |
May |
1997 |
Depending on the Data — discusses
the fundamental concepts of spatial dependency |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading5 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.04 |
April |
1997 |
Comparing Map Errors — describes
how normalized maps of error can be used to visualize the differences in
error surfaces |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading2 |
SurfaceModeling_Accuracy |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.03 |
March |
1997 |
Move Beyond a Map Full of Errors
— discusses a technique for generating a "shadow map"
of error |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading1 |
SurfaceModeling_Accuracy |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.02 |
February |
1997 |
Justifiable Interpolation
— describes the "Residual Analysis" procedure for
assessing interpolation performance |
B3, Topic 9, S4 |
SurfaceModeling_Accuracy |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1997.01 |
January |
1997 |
Designer Samples — describes
different sampling patterns and their relative advantages |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading4 |
SurfaceModeling_PointSampling |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1996.12 |
December |
1996 |
What's the Point? — discusses
the general considerations in point sampling design |
B3, Topic 9, Further Reading3 |
SurfaceModeling_PointSampling |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1996.03 |
March |
1996 |
the Analytical Capabilities of GIS — discusses the differences
and similarities in the Berry and Tomlin map analysis classification schemes |
B2, Topic 7, S2 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1995.10 |
October |
1995 |
and Remote Sensing Share a Lofty Marriage — identifies the
basic concepts, principles and theoretical underpinnings of Remote Sensing
(RS) technology |
B2, Topic
9, S2 |
SpatialDataMining_Classification |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1994.10 |
October |
1994 |
Verification Assesses Mapping Performance — describes
procedures for assessing mapping performance through Error Matrix (discrete)
and Residual Analysis (continuous) |
B2, Topic 4, S4 |
DataConsiderations_Accuracy |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1994.02 |
February |
1994 |
— fitting continuous map surfaces to
geographic data distributions |
B2, Topic 2, S2 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1994.01 |
January |
1994 |
Are Mean
— compares nonspatial and spatial
distributions of field data |
B2, Topic 2, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_ConceptsApproach |
1993.02 |
February |
1993 |
Mirrors Perceptions of Decision Criteria — describes
a flowcharting procedure that expresses GIS model logic in a clear and concise
form |
B1, Topic 10, S1 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
2013.09 |
September |
2013 |
Spatial Key to Seeing the Big Picture — describes a five step
process for generating grid map layers from spatially tagged data |
B4, Topic 9, Further Reading3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2013.06 |
June |
2013 |
a Place at the Table for Grid-based Data — describes the differences
between individual file and table storage approaches |
B4, Topic 1, S4 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2012.10 |
October |
2012 |
Boldly Go Where No Map Has Gone Before — identifies Lat/Lon as a Universal
Spatial Key for joining database tables |
B4, Topic 9, S4 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2012.09 |
September |
2012 |
Geographic Space for Effective Analysis — an overview of data
organization for grid-based map analysis |
B4, Topic 1, S1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2011.12 |
December |
2011 |
VtoR and Back! — describes various techniques
for converting between vector and raster data types |
B4, Topic 1, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2011.10 |
October |
2011 |
Universal Key for Unlocking GIS’s Full Potential — outlines a
global referencing system approach compatible with standard DBMS systems |
B4, Topic 7, S6 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2009.12 |
December |
2009 |
a Map Pancake to a Soufflé — continues the discussion of concepts
and configuration of a 3D GIS |
B4, Topic
10, Further Reading1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2009.11 |
November |
2009 |
Outside the Box — discusses concepts and configuration of
3-dimensional geography |
B4, Topic
10, S4 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2009.10 |
October |
2009 |
a Three-dimensional Reality — uses visual connectivity to
introduce and reinforce the paradigm of three-dimension geography |
B4, Topic
10, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2008.02 |
February |
2008 |
to Determine Exactly “Where Is What” — discusses the levels of precision (correct
placement) and accuracy (correct characterization) |
B4, Topic 5, S2 |
DataConsiderations_Accuracy |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2007.05 |
May |
2007 |
the Numbers Right — describes a classification scheme for map analysis operations based on
how map values are retrieved for processing (Local, Focal, Zonal) |
B4, Topic
5, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2007.04 |
April |
2007 |
Is the Cornerstone of GIS — describes current and alternative approaches
for referencing geographic and abstract space |
B4, Intro,S3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2007.03 |
March |
2007 |
Resolution to “Think with Maps” — discusses the factors that determine
the “informational scale” digital maps |
B4, Intro, S2 |
DataConsiderations_Accuracy |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2007.02 |
February |
2007 |
Common Ground in Paper and Digital Worlds — describes
the similarities and differences in information and organization between
traditional paper and digital maps |
B4, Intro, S1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2002.07 |
July |
2002 |
and Lattices Build Visualizations — describes Lattice and Grid forms of
map surface display |
B3, Topic 1, S1 |
Display_2D3D |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1995.11 |
November |
1995 |
and Feet-Down Digitizing — discusses the design components
of a GIS/GPS/RS field unit |
B2, Topic
9, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Input |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1995.09 |
September |
1995 |
Things in Their Proper Places with GPS — identifies the basic concepts, principles and theoretical
underpinnings of the Global Positioning System (GPS) |
B2, Topic 9, S1 |
DataConsiderations_Input |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1995.08 |
August |
1995 |
Lines and Vectorized Cells —
describes specialized offshoots of
traditional raster and vector data formats |
B2, Topic
6, S4 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1995.07 |
July |
1995 |
are your QUADS and TINS? — describes alternative Quadtree
and Triangular Irregular Network data formats |
B2, Topic
6, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1995.06 |
June |
1995 |
is Faster, but Vector is Correcter — describes the structuring of
traditional Vector data using explicit topology linking spatial and attribute
tables |
B2, Topic
6, S2 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1995.05 |
May |
1995 |
You a GIS Dead Head? — describes the structuring of traditional
Raster data using implicit topology based on the row/column positioning in a
matrix |
B2, Topic
6, S1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1994.12 |
December |
1994 |
Map Detail
— discusses the four basic types Map Resolution
(Spatial, Minimum Mapping, Thematic, Temporal) that define the level of
detail in a digital map as dramatically different from the traditional
concept of Map Scale |
B2, Topic 7, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Accuracy |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1994.11 |
November |
1994 |
Does Your Computer Really Think of Your Map? — discusses Spatial Topology through the differences among
Graphics Packages, Mapping Software, Spatial Database Management Systems, and
GIS Analysis/Modeling Systems |
B2, Topic 7, S1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1993.09 |
September |
1993 |
Accelerates Your Intellectual Depletion Allowance — introduces the concepts and organization used in GIS databases comprised
of multiple map layers |
B1, Intro, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1993.08 |
August |
1993 |
Maps Are Dumb — compares the basic
Vector and Raster data structure approaches for storing individual map layers |
B1, Intro, S2 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1993.07 |
July |
1993 |
to Terms with Terminology — describes the underlying theory of how point, line and areal
features are stored in Vector and Raster GISs |
B1, Intro, S1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1993.03 |
March |
1993 |
Standards Required to Go Beyond Mapping — identifies and describes four levels of GIS standards (data
Exchange, Geographic, Algorithmic and Interpretational) |
B1, Topic 10, S2 |
DataConsiderations_Accuracy |
1989.07 |
Jul/Aug |
1989 |
Technology Is Technical Oz — discusses
and compares the relative advantages/disadvantages between Vector and Raster
processing |
B1, Topic 1, S3 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1989.05 |
May V2-3 |
1989 |
Depends: Implications of data structure — discusses and compares the similarities and differences between
Vector and Raster data structure applications |
B1, Topic 1, S2 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
1989.03 |
March V2-2 |
1989 |
as Data: a 'Map-ematics' is Emerging — describes the
differences between Discrete and Continuous mapped data |
B1, Topic 1, S1 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
Basic_ConceptsData |
2013.12 |
December |
2013 |
Do We Go from Here? — Swan Song after 25 years of
Beyond Mapping columns |
Epilog, S2 |
Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
2013.11 |
November |
2013 |
Good, the Bad and the Ugly Sides of GIS — discusses
the potential of geotechnology to hinder (or even thwart) societal progress |
Epilog, S1 |
Overview |
2011.01 |
January |
2011 |
Direction Are You Headed? — describes
four perspectives on the trailing “S” in the GIS acronym from a GIS’ers
Perspective |
B4, Topic 6, S1 |
Education_Approaches |
Basic_Discussion |
2009.09 |
September |
2009 |
and the Cloud Computing Conundrum
— describes cloud computing with particular attention to its
geotechnology expression |
B4, Topic
10, S2 |
Processing_Approaches |
Basic_Discussion |
2009.03 |
March |
2009 |
in a Name — suggests and defines the new more comprehensive
term “Geotechnology” |
B4, Intro, Further Reading2 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
2009.02 |
February |
2009 |
it Soup Yet? — describes the evolution in GIS
definitions and terminology |
B4, Intro, Further Reading1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
2008.01 |
January |
2008 |
the Softer Side of GIS — describes a Manual GIS (circa
1950) and the relationship between social science conceptual frameworks for
understanding/judgment in GIS modeling
B4, Topic 5, Further Reading1 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
2007.12 |
December |
2007 |
and Splitters Propel GIS — describes the two camps
of GIS (GeoExploration and GeoScience)
B4, Topic 6, Further Reading1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
2007.11 |
November |
2007 |
the Baby Out with the Bath Water — discusses the information lost in aggregating
field data and assigning typical values to polygons (desktop mapping) |
B4, Topic
4, S2 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Basic_Discussion |
2007.10 |
October |
2007 |
a Consistent Statistical Picture — describes
creation of a Standardized Map Variable surface using Median and Quartile Range |
B4, Topic
4, Further Reading1 |
Map_Normalization |
Basic_Discussion |
2007.09 |
September |
2007 |
Things Aren’t Normal — discusses the appropriateness of
using traditional “normal” and percentile statistics |
B4, Topic
4, S3 |
Map_Normalization |
Basic_Discussion |
2007.08 |
August |
2007 |
Innovation Drives Its Evolution — discusses the cyclic nature of
GIS innovation (Mapping, Structure and Analysis) |
B4, Topic 10, S1 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
2007.01 |
January |
2007 |
Multifaceted GIS Community — investigates the technical shifts
and cultural impacts of the rapidly expanding GIS tent of users, application
developers and tool programmers |
B3, Epilog, S2 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
2006.12 |
December |
2006 |
to GIS — explores different paths of GIS adoption for five
disciplines (Natural Resources, Facilities Management, Public Health,
Business and Precision Agriculture) |
B3, Epilog, S1 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
2006.11 |
November |
2006 |
GIS and Future Directions — discusses contemporary GIS and
probable future directions (Multimedia Mapping and Spatial Reasoning/Dialog) |
B3, Intro, S2 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
2006.10 |
October |
2006 |
GIS Technology and Its Expression — traces the early phases of GIS
technology (Computer Mapping, Spatial Database Management and Map
Analysis/Modeling) |
B3, Intro, S1 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
2005.08 |
August |
2005 |
Distance to the Edge — discusses advance distance operations |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading3 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Basic_Discussion |
2004.03 |
March |
2004 |
a Map-ematical Framework for GIS Modeling — describes
a conceptual structure for map analysis operations and GIS modeling |
B3, Topic
3, S1 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
Basic_Discussion |
2002.08 |
August |
2002 |
Are Numbers First, Pictures Later — discusses the numeric and geographic
characteristics of map values |
B3, Topic
1, S2 |
DataConsiderations_Accuracy |
Basic_Discussion |
1999.12 |
December |
1999 |
Predictable Maps Work for You? — describes a procedure for deriving a
spatial prediction model |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading8 |
SpatialDataMining_Regression |
Basic_Discussion |
1999.11 |
November |
1999 |
Scatterplots to Understand Map Correlation — discusses
the underlying concepts in assessing correlation among maps |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading7 |
SpatialDataMining_Regression |
Basic_Discussion |
1999.04 |
April |
1999 |
GIS Represents Spatial Patterns and
Relationships — discusses the important differences
among discrete mapping , continuous map surfaces and map analysis |
B3, Topic 2, Further Reading1 |
Processing_Approaches |
Basic_Discussion |
1999.03 |
March |
1999 |
the Evolving GIS Mindset — illustrates the "map-ematical" approach to analyzing mapped data |
B3, Epilog, Further Reading2 |
Processing_Approaches |
Basic_Discussion |
1999.02 |
February |
1999 |
GIS Technology Ahead of Science? — discusses
several issues surrounding the differences in the treatment of non-spatial
and spatial data |
B3, Epilog, Further Reading1 |
Processing_Approaches |
Basic_Discussion |
1998.10 |
October |
1998 |
GIS Data Are Rarely Normal
— describes the basic non-spatial descriptive statistics |
B3, Topic 9, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1998.09 |
September |
1998 |
GIS Software's Changing Roles
— discusses the evolution of GIS software and identifies
important trends |
B3, Intro, Further Reading1 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
1997.08 |
August |
1997 |
Applications Drive GIS Perspectives — discusses
how map analysis is enlarging the traditional view of mapping |
B3, Epilog, Further Reading4 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.11 |
November |
1996 |
Does Anyone Object? — discusses
some concerns of object-oriented GIS |
B3, Intro, Further Reading4 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.10 |
October |
1996 |
Objects—the Parse and Parcel of GIS? — discusses database objects and their
map expressions |
B3, Intro, Further Reading3 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.09 |
September |
1996 |
Is Object-Oriented Technology Anyway? — establishes
the basic concepts in object-oriented technology |
B3, Intro,
Further Reading2 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.08 |
August |
1996 |
an Understanding GIS — describes the translation of mapped
data to spatial information for decision-making |
B2, Epilog,
S2 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.07 |
July |
1996 |
Forget the Human Factor: an Experiential GIS — describes an early
experience (1980) in the application of |
B2, Epilog,
S1 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.06 |
June |
1996 |
Spatial Dependency between Maps — investigates
multivariate analysis involving the coincidence of two or more map layers |
B2, Topic 10, S3 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.05 |
May |
1996 |
Spatial Dependency within a Map — investigates
univariate analysis involving spatial relationships within a single map layer |
B2, Topic 10, S2 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1996.04 |
April |
1996 |
Unique Character of Spatial Analysis — discusses spatial
analysis as deriving new spatial information based on geographic dependence
within and among map variables |
B2, Topic 10, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1995.04 |
April |
1995 |
a New Spatial Paradigm — discusses the movement from mapping
and spatial inventories by technologists to spatial reasoning and dialog
involving enlightened users in development of solutions to complex spatial
problems |
B2, Intro,
S2 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1995.03 |
March |
1995 |
the GIS Cart in Front of the Horse? — discusses driving
forces, trends and forecasts in contemporary GIS from the perspective of
modeling interrelationships among mapped variables |
B2, Intro,
S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1995.022 |
February |
1995 |
to Tapestry (supplement) — describes an interactive environment
for diagramming GIS Logic and processing flows |
B2, Topic 5, S3 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
Basic_Discussion |
1995.01 |
January |
1995 |
in a Model? — discusses a conceptual framework for
GIS model types and characteristics |
B2, Topic 5, S1 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
Basic_Discussion |
1994.06 |
June |
1994 |
It and They Will Come — describes the tactical and
conceptual considerations in GIS implementation |
B2, Topic 3, S3 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1994.05 |
May |
1994 |
Can GIS Do for You? — identifies and discusses the seven
basic types of questions addressed by GIS technology |
B2, Topic 3, S2 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1994.04 |
April |
1994 |
GIS before You Start — discusses
the importance of an Information Needs Assessment (INA) and a GIS Reality
Assessment (GRA) |
B2, Topic 3, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1993.12 |
December |
1993 |
a GIS Modeler’s Toolkit — discusses an
Object-Oriented Programming System approach to GIS model development |
B2, Topic 1, S3 |
General_Historical |
Basic_Discussion |
1993.11 |
November |
1993 |
Toward a Humane GIS — describes an
interactive link between GIS model logic and code |
B2, Topic 1, S2 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1993.10 |
October |
1993 |
Data from Information and Understanding — considers the
fundamental concepts behind moving mapped data to information and ultimately
to understanding |
B2, Topic 1, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1992.07 |
July |
1992 |
the GIS Paradigm to Closure — discusses the evolution and
probable future of GIS technology |
B1, Epilog, S1 |
Future_Directions |
Basic_Discussion |
1992.06 |
June |
1992 |
Is Never Having to Say You’re Sorry — discusses
the human and organizational considerations in adopting GIS technology |
B1, Topic 8, S2 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1992.05 |
May |
1992 |
Dreams and Nightmares Are Born of Frustration — discusses the limitations of traditional cost/benefit analysis in
evaluating the adoption of a radically new technology like GIS |
B1, Topic 8, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1991.06 |
June |
1991 |
My Dear, I Don’t Give a Damn — discusses
how GIS modeling and spatial reasoning are changing policy formation and
decision-making |
B1, Topic 4, S4 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1991.05 |
May |
1991 |
Says You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks? — describes the basic concepts and approaches used in GIS
modeling |
B1, Topic 4, S3 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
1991.04 |
Apr/Mar |
1991 |
Needed to Go Beyond Mapping — lists and describes the analytical
tools needed to go beyond mapping |
B1, Topic 4, S2 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
Basic_Discussion |
1991.02 |
Feb/Jan |
1991 |
Technobabble — discusses
the radical changes GIS technology and the digital map are bringing to
traditional mapping |
B1, Topic 4, S1 |
General_Overview |
Basic_Discussion |
2008.11 |
November |
2008 |
the “Miracles” in Mapping Data Clusters — describes
the use of “clustering” to identify inherent groupings of similar data patterns |
B4, Topic 7, S5 |
SpatialDataMining_Clustering |
GeoBusiness_DataGrouping |
2008.10 |
October |
2008 |
“Map-ematical” to Identify Data Zones
— describes the use of “level-slicing” for classifying locations with a
specified data pattern |
B4, Topic 7, Further Reading2 |
SpatialDataMining_Classification |
2008.09 |
September |
2008 |
Map Analysis to Characterize Data Groups — describes the use of
“data distance” to derive similarity among the data patterns in a set of map
layers |
B4, Topic 7, S4 |
SpatialDataMining_Similarity |
GeoBusiness_DataGrouping |
2008.06 |
June |
2008 |
Numeric and Geographic Distributions — investigates the link
between numeric and geographic distributions of mapped data |
B4, Topic 7, S2 |
SpatialDataMining_Clustering |
GeoBusiness_DataGrouping |
1998.04 |
April |
1998 |
Analysis of In-Store Movement and Sales Patterns — describes
the use of temporal analysis and coincidence mapping to enhance shopping
patterns |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading14 |
Distance_Routing |
GeoBusiness_InStoreMovement |
1998.03 |
March |
1998 |
Analyzing In-Store Movement and Sales Patterns — discusses
how map analysis is used to investigate the relationship between shopper
movement and sales |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading13 |
Distance_Routing |
GeoBusiness_InStoreMovement |
1998.02 |
February |
1998 |
Analyzes In-Store Movement and Sales Patterns — describes
a procedure using accumulation surface analysis to infer shopper movement
from cash register data |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading12 |
Distance_Routing |
2009.01 |
January |
2009 |
These Steps to Map Potential Sales — describes an extensive
geo-business application that combines retail competition analysis and
product sales prediction |
B4, Topic 7, Further Reading4 |
Distance_TravelTime |
GeoBusiness_RetailMarketing |
2008.12 |
December |
2008 |
We Really Map the Future? — describes the use of
“linear regression” to develop prediction equations relating dependent and
independent map variables |
B4, Topic 7, Further Reading3 |
SpatialDataMining_Regression |
GeoBusiness_RetailMarketing |
2008.04 |
April |
2008 |
the Perspective of Map Surfaces — describes the character of spatial distributions
through the generation of a customer density surface |
B4, Topic 7, S1 |
SurfaceModeling_DensityAnalysis |
GeoBusiness_RetailMarketing |
2002.06 |
June |
2002 |
Travel Time to Connect with Customers — describes techniques for optimal
path and catchment analysis |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading11 |
Distance_TravelTime |
GeoBusiness_RetailMarketing |
2002.05 |
May |
2002 |
Mapping Identifies Customer Pockets and Territories — identifies techniques for
identifying unusually high customer density and for delineating spatially
balanced customer territories |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading1 |
SurfaceModeling_DensityAnalysis |
GeoBusiness_RetailMarketing |
2002.04 |
April |
2002 |
and Curves Can Spatially Characterize Customer Loyalty — describes a technique for
characterizing customer sensitivity to travel-time |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading10 |
Distance_TravelTime |
GeoBusiness_RetailMarketing |
2002.03 |
March |
2002 |
Use Travel Time to Identify Competition
Zones — discusses the procedure for deriving
relative travel-time advantage maps |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading9 |
Distance_TravelTime |
2008.08 |
August |
2008 |
Interpolation Results (and why it is important) — describes the
use of “residual analysis” for evaluating spatial interpolation performance |
B4, Topic 7, Further Reading1 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
GeoBusiness_SurfaceModeling |
2008.07 |
July |
2008 |
Techniques Help to Interpolate Spatial Distributions — discusses
the basic concepts underlying spatial interpolation |
B4, Topic 7, S3 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
2001.03 |
March |
2001 |
Travel-Time into Mapping Packages — describes procedures for
transferring travel-time data to other maps |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading5 |
DataConsiderations_Structure |
GeoBusiness_TravelTime |
2001.02 |
February |
2001 |
Travel-Time Buffers to Map Effective Proximity — discusses
procedures for establishing travel-time buffers responding to street type |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading4 |
Distance_TravelTime |
2012.06 |
June |
2012 |
GIS in Higher Education — describes thoughts and notes from a panel
discussion on “GIS in Higher Education” |
B4, Topic 6, Further Reading |
Generic |
GIS_Education |
2012.05 |
May |
2012 |
Spatial Character into Statistics — describes a statistical structure
for spatial statistics operations |
B4, Topic 9, S3 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
GIS_Education |
2012.04 |
April |
2012 |
Trivializing and Complicating GIS — describes a mathematical structure
for spatial analysis operations |
B4, Topic 9, S2 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
GIS_Education |
2012.03 |
March |
2012 |
by Numbers Outside the Traditional Statistics Box —
discusses the nature of Spatial Statistics operations |
B4, Topic 9, Further Reading2 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
GIS_Education |
2012.02 |
February |
2012 |
Messing with Mapped Data — discusses the nature of
grid-based mapped data and Spatial Analysis operations |
B4, Topic 9, Further Reading1 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
GIS_Education |
2012.01 |
January |
2012 |
Has Deep Mathematical Roots — provides a conceptual
framework for a map-ematical treatment of mapped
data |
B4, Topic 9, S1 |
ConceptualFramework_Operations |
GIS_Education |
2010.03 |
March |
2010 |
Square Pegs into Round GIS Educational Holes — discusses the need
to engage non-GIS students in developing spatially distributed solutions |
B4, Topic 6, S4 |
Education_Approaches |
GIS_Education |
2010.02 |
February |
2010 |
Education’s Need for “Hitchhikers” — establishes the need for
engaging “domain experts” in moving geotechnology to the next level |
B4, Topic 6, S3 |
Education_Approaches |
GIS_Education |
2010.01 |
January |
2010 |
Quick Peek Outside GIS’s Disciplinary Cave — discusses
future directions of geotechnology with particular emphasis on career outlook
and GIS education |
B4, Topic 6, S2 |
Education_Approaches |
GIS_Education |
2003.05 |
May |
2003 |
GIS Education on Its Head — describes the numerous GIS career
pathways and the need to engage prospective students from a variety of fields |
B3, Epilog,
Further Reading6 |
Education_Approaches |
GIS_Education |
1997.09 |
September |
1997 |
Student Needs Must Drive GIS Education — identifies
new demands and students that are molding the future of GIS education |
B3, Epilog, Further Reading5 |
General_Overview |
GIS_Education |
1997.06 |
June |
1997 |
Is GIS Education — describes the broadening appeal of |
B3, Epilog,
Further Reading3 |
General_Overview |
GIS_Education |
1993.06 |
June |
1993 |
Special URISA
Issue — no BM column; special supplement made available, Learning
Computer-Assisted Map Analysis — a 1986 journal article describing how
“old-fashioned math and statistics can go a long way toward helping us
understand GIS” |
B1, Epilog, S2 |
Education_Approaches |
GIS_Education |
1992.08 |
August |
1992 |
Tailored Plan and Curriculum Cure GIS Training Woes — describes and discusses
the importance of effective education and training needed for successful GIS
adoption |
B1, Topic 8, S3 |
Education_Approaches |
2007.07 |
July |
2007 |
Long and Short of Slope — investigates
longitudinal and transverse slope calculation |
B4, Topic
3, S2 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Infrastructure_Pipeline |
2007.06 |
June |
2007 |
Our World — discusses
techniques for segmenting linear routes based on terrain inflection |
B4, Topic
3, S1 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
Infrastructure_Pipeline |
2004.02 |
February |
2004 |
Modeling Determines Spill Effect — describes procedures for assessing
overland and channel flow impacts |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading21 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Infrastructure_Pipeline |
2004.01 |
January |
2004 |
Available Tools to Calculate Flow Time and Quantity — discusses
procedures for tracking flow time and quantity |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading20 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Infrastructure_Pipeline |
2003.12 |
December |
2003 |
Realistic Downhill Flows Proves Difficult — discusses
procedures for characterizing path, sheet, horizontal and fill flows |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading19 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Infrastructure_Pipeline |
2003.11 |
November |
2003 |
Approaches Can’t Characterize Overland Flow — describes
the basic considerations in overland flow |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading18 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
2009.08 |
August |
2009 |
Spatial Sensitivity Analysis to Assess Model Response — develops an approach for assessing the sensitivity of GIS
models |
B4, Topic 5, Further Reading2 |
Distance_Routing |
Infrastructure_Routing |
2006.03 |
March |
2006 |
LCP Procedures to Center Optimal Paths — discusses a procedure for
eliminating “zig-zags” in areas of minimal siting
preference |
B3, Topic 8, Further Reading2 |
Distance_Routing |
Infrastructure_Routing |
2005.09 |
September |
2005 |
All the Dots to Find Optimal Paths — describes a procedure for determining
an optimal path network from a dispersed set of end points |
B3, Topic 8, Further Reading3 |
Distance_Connectivity |
Infrastructure_Routing |
2004.11 |
November |
2004 |
Conversions Improve Optimal Paths — discusses a procedure for spatially
responsive straightening of optimal paths |
B3, Topic 8, Further Reading1 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
2013.01 |
January |
2013 |
Path Density is not all that Dense (Conceptually) — uses Optimal Path
Density Analysis to identify “corridors of common access” |
B4, Topic 8, Further Reading3 |
Distance_Routing |
NaturalResources_EmergencyResponse |
2012.12 |
December |
2012 |
Travel and Terrain Directions into Line — describes comparison procedures and route evaluation techniques |
B4, Topic 8, Further Reading2 |
Distance_Routing |
NaturalResources_EmergencyResponse |
2012.11 |
November |
2012 |
How Crooked Are Things? — discusses distance-related metrics
for assessing crookedness |
B4, Topic 2, Further Reading1 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
NaturalResources_EmergencyResponse |
2011.02 |
February |
2011 |
the Concept of Effective Distance — describes the
algorithms used in implementing Starter value advanced techniques |
B4, Topic 2, S1 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
NaturalResources_EmergencyResponse |
2010.09 |
September |
2010 |
Emergency Response Alternatives — describes comparison procedures and route evaluation
techniques |
B4, Topic 8, S5 |
Map_ComparisonDifference |
NaturalResources_EmergencyResponse |
2010.08 |
August |
2010 |
Emergency Response Beyond the Lines — discusses basic model processing and modifications for
additional considerations |
B4, Topic 8, S4 |
Distance_Routing |
NaturalResources_EmergencyResponse |
2010.07 |
July |
2010 |
for the Backcountry — describes
development of an on- and off-road travel-time surface for emergency response |
B4, Topic 8, S3 |
Distance_Routing |
2010.06 |
June |
2010 |
Twelve-step Program for Recovery
from Flaky Forest Formulations — describes a spatial model for identifying Landings and
Timbersheds |
B4, Topic 8, Further Reading1 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
NaturalResources_Harvesting |
2010.05 |
May |
2010 |
Forest Harvesting’s Reach — discusses a multiplicative
weighting method for model extension |
B4, Topic 8, S2 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
NaturalResources_Harvesting |
2010.04 |
April |
2010 |
an Understanding of GIS Modeling — describes a prototype
model for assessing off-road access to forest areas |
B4, Topic 8, S1 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
2010.12 |
December |
2010 |
Supporting Role in the Future of Natural Resources — discusses the influence of human
dimensions in natural resources and GIS technology’s role |
B4, Topic 8, S6 |
Generic |
NaturalResources_Planning |
2009.07 |
July |
2009 |
the Minds of the “-ists” and “-ologists”
— elaborates on the two basic mindsets
driving the geotechnology community |
B4, Topic 6, Further Reading2 |
Education_Approaches |
NaturalResources_Planning |
1999.08 |
August |
1999 |
Metrics to Assess Forest Fragmentation — describes some landscape indices for
determining richness and fragmentation |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading12 |
Reclassify_Shape |
NaturalResources_Planning |
1999.07 |
July |
1999 |
Get to the Core of Landscape Analysis
— describes
techniques for assessing core area and edge characterization |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading11 |
Reclassify_Shape |
NaturalResources_Planning |
1999.06 |
June |
1999 |
GIS to Analyze Landscape Structure — discusses the underlying principles in
landscape analysis and introduces some example landscape indices |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading10 |
Reclassify_Shape |
NaturalResources_Planning |
1999.05 |
May |
1999 |
GIS to Calculate Nearby Neighbor Statistics — describes
a technique that calculates the proximity to all of the surrounding parcels
of a similar vegetation type |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading9 |
Reclassify_Shape |
NaturalResources_Planning |
1996.02 |
February |
1996 |
Map-ematical Relationships — discussed the differences and similarities between the
two basic types of GIS models (Cartographic and Spatial) using the Revised
Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) as an example |
B2, Topic 8, S3 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
NaturalResources_Planning |
1993.05 |
May |
1993 |
Conflict Resolution an Oxymoron? — discusses how weights are used combining individual map layers
of concern to derive an overall map of suitability that reflects group
consensus |
B1, Topic 10, S4 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
NaturalResources_Planning |
1993.04 |
April |
1993 |
Speak Louder than Words — describes analysis procedures that translate decision-maker
concerns into maps |
B1, Topic 10, S3 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
2010.11 |
November |
2010 |
Suitable Framework for GIS Modeling — describes a framework for suitability modeling based on a
flowchart of model logic |
B4, Topic 5, S5 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
NaturalResources_Suitability |
2009.06 |
June |
2009 |
Narrow-minded Approach — describes how Narrowness maps are
derived |
B4, Topic
2, S4 |
Distance_Narrowness |
NaturalResources_Suitability |
2008.03 |
March |
2008 |
Ties Things Together — describes an analytical approach for
determining effective contiguity (clumped features) |
B4, Topic 2, S3 |
Reclassify_Contiguity |
NaturalResources_Suitability |
2004.10 |
October |
2004 |
and Extent Elevate Suitability Models to New Levels — extends
Rating discussion to include additional habitat considerations and model
weighting |
B3, Topic 7, S3 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
NaturalResources_Suitability |
2004.08 |
August |
2004 |
Techniques Rate Hugag Habitat Suitability — expands
discussion to Binary Progression and Rating suitability models |
B3, Topic 7, S2 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
NaturalResources_Suitability |
2004.07 |
July |
2004 |
Models Find the Good, the Bad and the Hugag — describes a simple
suitability model for characterizing habitat |
B3, Topic 7, S1 |
Overlay_CellbyCellCoincidence |
NaturalResources_Suitability |
1996.01 |
January |
1996 |
Basic Models through Logic Modifications — describes
extensions to a simple Landslide Susceptible model by adding additional
criteria that changes a model’s structure |
B2, Topic 8, S2 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
NaturalResources_Suitability |
1995.12 |
December |
1995 |
Recipes to Models — describes basic
Binary and Rating model expressions using a simple Landslide Susceptible
model |
B2, Topic 8, S1 |
ConceptualFramework_Modeling |
2011.09 |
September |
2011 |
Wildfire Response (Part 2): Jumping
Right into It — describes
map analysis procedures for determining initial response time for alternative
attack modes |
B4, Topic 8, Further Reading5 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
NaturalResources_WildFire |
2011.08 |
August |
2011 |
Wildfire Response (Part 1): Oneth by Land, Twoeth by
Air — discusses a spatial model for
determining effective helicopter landing zones |
B4, Topic 8, Further Reading4 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
NaturalResources_WildFire |
2011.07 |
July |
2011 |
Information into No-Data Areas — describes a technique for
“filling-in” information from surrounding data into no-data locations |
B4, Topic 2, Further Reading1 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
NaturalResources_WildFire |
2006.02 |
February |
2006 |
Things Are More Alike — use of decay functions in
weight-averaging surrounding conditions |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading2 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
NaturalResources_WildFire |
2006.01 |
January |
2006 |
Aggregated Reporting: The Probability is Good — discusses
techniques for smoothing “salt and pepper” results and deriving probability
surfaces from aggregated incident records |
B3, Topic 6, S3 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
2013.04 |
April |
2013 |
Evaluating the T-test — illustrates the expansion of traditional
math/stat procedures to operate on map variables to spatially solve
traditional non-spatial equations |
B4, Topic 4, S5 |
Map_ComparisonTtest |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis |
2006.09 |
September |
2006 |
Compare Continuous Map Surfaces — discusses procedures for comparing
continuous map surfaces |
B3, Topic 10, S2 |
Map_ComparisonContinuousData |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis |
2002.09 |
September |
2002 |
Maps for Data Analysis — describes map normalization and data
exchange with other software packages |
B3, Topic 1, S3 |
Map_Normalization |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis |
2002.02 |
February |
2002 |
Maps to Make Better Predictions — illustrates
a procedure for subdividing an area into smaller more homogenous groups prior
to generating prediction equations |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading10 |
SpatialDataMining_Regression |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis |
2002.01 |
January |
2002 |
Data Mining Allows Users to Predict Maps — describes the basic concepts and
procedures for deriving equations that can be used to derive prediction maps |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading9 |
SpatialDataMining_Regression |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis |
2001.12 |
December |
2001 |
Statistics to Map Data Clusters — discusses
clustering for partitioning an area into separate data groups |
B3, Topic 10, S5 |
SpatialDataMining_Clustering |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis |
2001.11 |
November |
2001 |
Similarity to Identify Data Zones — describes
level-slicing for classifying areas into zones containing a specified data pattern |
B3, Topic 10, S4 |
SpatialDataMining_Classification |
PrecisionAgriculture_Analysis |
2001.10 |
October |
2001 |
Software Removes Guesswork from Map Similarity — discusses
basic considerations and procedures for generating similarity maps |
B3, Topic 10, S3 |
SpatialDataMining_Similarity |
2006.08 |
August |
2006 |
Data Mining “Down on the Farm” — discusses
process for moving from Whole-Field
to Site-Specific management |
B3, Topic 10, S6 |
General_Overview |
1998.08 |
August |
1998 |
Identify Data Patterns — discusses
data clustering and its application in identifying spatial patterns |
B3, Topic 10, Further Reading4 |
SpatialDataMining_Clustering |
2013.08 |
August |
2013 |
Mountains and Molehills from Field Sampled Data — creating
an elevation surface from field sampled data |
B4, Topic 3, S4 |
SurfaceModeling_Interpolation |
Terrain_Analysis |
2012.08 |
August |
2012 |
Our Spatial Perspective through Dynamic Windows — discusses the three types
of roving windows— fixed, weighted and dynamic |
B4, Topic 3, S5 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Terrain_Analysis |
2009.05 |
May |
2009 |
Upland Ridges — describes a procedure for locating
extended upland ridges |
B4, Topic
3, S3 |
Distance_Connectivity |
Terrain_Analysis |
2008.05 |
May |
2008 |
Light on Terrain Analysis — discusses how terrain orientation is
used to generate Hillshade maps |
B4, Topic
3, Further Reading1 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Terrain_Analysis |
2005.10 |
October |
2005 |
Processing Aids Spatial Neighborhood Analysis — discusses
approaches for calculating slope and profile |
B3, Topic 6, S1 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Terrain_Analysis |
2002.11 |
November |
2002 |
Valley Bottoms in Mountainous Terrain — illustrates
a technique for identifying flat areas connected to streams |
B3, Topic
4, Further Reading17 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Terrain_Analysis |
2000.05 |
May |
2000 |
Modeling Erosion and Sediment Loading
— illustrates a |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading16 |
Distance_EffectiveProximity |
Terrain_Analysis |
2000.04 |
April |
2000 |
Maps Further Characterize Micro-terrain Features — describes
the use of optimal path density analysis for mapping surface flows |
B3, Topic 4, Further Reading15 |
Distance_Connectivity |
Terrain_Analysis |
2000.03 |
March |
2000 |
Characterizing Terrain Slope and Roughness
— discusses techniques for determining terrain inclination and
coarseness |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading6 |
Neighborhood_Configuration |
Terrain_Analysis |
2000.02 |
February |
2000 |
Characterizing Local Terrain Conditions
— discusses the use of "roving windows" to distinguish
localized variations |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading5 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
Terrain_Analysis |
2000.01 |
January |
2000 |
Data to Characterize Micro-Terrain Features — describes
techniques to identify convex and concave features |
B3, Topic 6, Further Reading4 |
Neighborhood_Summary |
2013.07 |
July |
2013 |
Search of the Elusive Image — describes extended geo-query
techniques for accessing images containing a location of interest |
B4, Topic 2, Further Reading3 |
Distance_Operations |
Video_Mapping |
2000.10 |
October |
2000 |
Mapping Brings Maps to Life — describes how video
maps are generated and discusses some applications of video mapping |
B3, Intro, Further Reading9 |
General_Overview |
2000.09 |
September |
2000 |
"Where and When" on Video-based GIS — describes
how |
B3, Intro, Further Reading8 |
General_Overview |
Video_Mapping |
2000.08 |
August |
2000 |
to Represent Changes in a Virtual Forest — discusses
how simulations and "fly-bys" are used to visualize landscape changes
and characteristics |
B3, Intro, Further Reading7 |
General_Overview |
VirtualReality_Mapping |
2000.07 |
July |
2000 |
to Rapidly Construct a Virtual Scene — describes
the procedures in generating a virtual scene from landscape inventory
data |
B3, Intro, Further Reading6 |
General_Overview |
VirtualReality_Mapping |
2000.06 |
June |
2000 |
the Scenes of Virtual Reality — discusses the basic
considerations and concepts in 3D-object rendering |
B3, Intro, Further Reading5 |
General_Overview |
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Mapping Compilation Series collection of columns for educational
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Compilation Series Topic of the online book containing the materials—
For example… Figure is from Berry, Beyond Mapping
Compilation Series, Book I, Topic 4 “What GIS Is and Isn’t”